
Calgon, Take me away....sorry I wasn't "here" yesterday. I'm having a bad mommy week so far. My 3 year old is making me just a little crazy lately. I love him but just a little break please. LOL So if I have any takers for a babysitter for a couple hours, days or weeks...just let me know. I need a break.

I'm dreaming of one of these...

Or just sitting by the pool with silence...just a few moments please. LOL

To put a sparkle to my day I was Featured on Remodelholic!

Our Blue Bed project made it! Cassity features many wonderful guest projects on her blog. It is full of inspiration and I am so happy to be Her guest!

And yesterday my blue bed was featured on House of Grace!

Bonnie has a wonderful blog full of thrifty decor and tips. She is always on my daily reading list. Go check out these 2 great sites!

My bathroom is officially done! Now it needs a good cleaning and decor and then I'll show! It's been a long time coming.

Wanna see some freebies? It should be a crime throwing away good stuff! My neighbors were throwing away GOOD furniture. I don't know what I will need them for but I couldn't let them hit the landfill. So my wonderful hubby got them off the corner for me during a thunderstorm. Love you, honey!

A cute little bench. It will look wonderful with cute fabric on top.

A very nice coffee table. I think I will use this on our deck for our new sitting area.

And an end table. I still don't know what to do with this one. I don't care for the curved wood but I'll make it work somehow. :)

And look at this cute picture I found today. I will definitely be making this flag banner for Son #1's bedroom. He's all about maps and wants to visit places all around the world...this would be perfect! I'm just adding it to the never ending project list. :)

Have a wonderful day!

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