New Desk

It's HOT here in SE Nebraska! Wow! Thank goodness for sprinklers and air conditioning!

I wanted to share another makeover I did this summer! I bought this table at a garage sale for $3. It's kind of like coffee table height but had a laminate type top to it. So I don't know what it was used for. But I snatched it up for that price!

I decided to make it for a small desk for Son #2. I'm glad I did because it fits perfect in his little room!

I painted the top and sides black, then each leg a different color: red, blue, white, green.

The bottom had little grooves in the wood so I painted each "section" a different color as well. I added dark walnut stain for a distressed look.

Oh and the little buckets, I got at a garage sale for 25 cents for the pair. Gotta love garage sales. They're cute and small for my little guy's hands.

As always, thanks for visiting and your wonderful comments! Hope you are having a super day!

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