
Sometimes life is tough, sometimes overwhelming, sometimes you're emotionally spent, sometimes you have really bad heartburn and are pregnant and convinced your baby may never actually decide to be born (yes, that was me less than a week ago), and then, sometimes, life is just good.

Today is a good day.

This week has been a good week. I'm not sure there are many more amazing things to behold than the sweetness of a new baby. Newborns grow so fast, they change so quickly... so many things-- a dimple, the clutch of tiny fingers, a particular swirl of hair on the forehead, the quivering pouty lip with the teensy cry, and that tendency to curl in their limbs because they're so used to being squished-- they pass away and merge into new, different, wonderful things. These early moments with a new person God has made are precious gifts.

Monday morning, at 8:26, we met our new son. He is beautiful and worthy of sonnets and fireworks and every superlative one could conjure. But I think instead of any of that, I'll just share pictures and tell you how absolutely overwhelmed I am with joy. God's grace in my life continues to overwhelm and amaze me. I can't tell you how undeserving I am of these precious ones He has given me... and each child our Father adds to our brood makes me more aware of my own weakness, and my ultimate need for Him.

Here is my latest reminder of God's goodness & my need for Him. His name is Moses Henry:

He is an absolute delight already, and I've only "known" him for a little over 4 days. I think I'll be sharing more soon, but in the meantime, I just wanted to praise God for His goodness to us. :) This time around, it's come in the form of a precious little boy named Moses.

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