In Florida it's a must to have a screened porch unless you don't mind mosquito bites. Sadly, we don't enjoy ours much as it's too darn hot most of the year to sit on it. But, I still like it to look inviting and cozy...

I don't put anything out there that can't stand up to rain, humidity and cat hair. Yes, we have a nearly 19~year old cat who lives on the screen porch year round. It's her domain if you will...

On the porch you'll find an old metal glider, a beautiful twig chair that I have owned for many years, my great~grandmother's old primitive wash stand, and two of my fav finds~~a round victorian wire plant stand and a large wire aviary that I bought in Texas from Tim Bolton of Homestead. Sprinkled about are chippy architectural pieces, birdcages and birdhouses, urns filled with shells and a zinc obelisk.

I hand~painted the floor to look like stone. When we hang out there I toss some old ticking pillows on the glider and chairs for comfort. Candles set the mood and jazz softly plays in the background...

Sit down and join me, will you?

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