Purva Frames

A few months ago, my friend Lauren and I were browsing one of my favorite stores, South Moon Under. I seriously LOVE this store. So, a frame caught my eye and I was in line to buy it. It was $38. The longer I waited in line, the more I thought that that was kinda pricey for a just a 4 x 6 frame, and then Lauren talked me out of it. It was just SOOO pretty. It was made out of shells. It was beachy, yet modern and I just liked it. Anyway, we left the store and I forgot all about the frame. Then about 2 weeks later, I stopped in TJ MAXX with Maryn. Then I heard the hallelujah chorus. I saw it.....my frame. THE. EXACT. ONE. We are talking same size, same brand, everything!! Guess how much it was? $7!! Yep, that's right. I came home and told brad that the Lord was blessing me for being a good steward of my money. Yeah, he gave me a big eye roll for that one. Anyway, here is the frame......

So, if you are ever at Homegoods or TJ MAXX, the brand is Purva. They are hand crafted frames made in India and I have seen them at all the really hot stores including Anthropologie, South Moon Under, and a few smaller boutiques. Here is another one that I just found the other day at Marshalls. I really love this one. Found this one for $5 at Homegoods when I was in Atlanta. You know I love a good zebra print.
So, both of these frames are Purva and they are the same frame with just a different color. The one on the left was my very first Purva purchase. I saw it at Anthropologie on sale for $15. It was originally $34, so I thought I was getting a steal for $15. Anyway, the day I found my other shell Purva one, I saw this other one too.....the blue on the right. And I was bummed when I saw the price since I had paid more for the other one. Oh well.
Here is the back of both Purva frames. $34 as opposed to $7! Anyway, if you have time, run into homegoods, marshalls, or TJ MAXX. I see purva frames there all the time and these are BIG. They are beautifully handcrafted.

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