Freedom Run

This past Saturday, hubby and I ran our first 5K. It has been a goal of ours since starting working out seriously in January. We had a BLAST! And now we can't wait til' the next one we can find.

Hubby ran his in 21 minutes! And I ran mine in 30 minutes. I was pretty bummed about my time because I wanted to be under 30 minutes. There's always a next time, right? We're still waiting for placement results but I think I was 5th, 6th or 7th in my women's age group. Hubby was 2nd, we think!

I'm not a work out fanatic or a runner. I even have 2 left feet...but something competitive is coming out in me and I'm enjoying it! Ever try anything out of your comfort zone and now ENJOY it?!! You might surprise yourself. :)

Our run was in Brownville, Nebraska. A small historic town by the Missouri River, along the Nebraska/Missouri state line. Nebraska has been getting RAIN! And Brownville got record flood level. But thankfully the flood waters parted and the highway we ran on cleared a couple days before the race.

A couple Fridays ago, there was an auction in my small town. I scored a few goodies. My favorite was this small old bowl.

And my first big crock. I have a few small ones and have always wanted a large one but without the LARGE price tag. Well the time came and I got it for a great price! $20 At work, I won a Safety BINGO game and $50 was the prize! So I had fun at the auction with my winnings. :)

Have a wonderful day!

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