Wholesale Cash & Carry, 2nd Birthday

Last Sunday my youngest grandson, Aidan, turned 2 – I know, we all say this but it seems like he was just born a while back…how these two years flew by.

Darren and MaryAnn had just the immediate
family at their house for his little party and also Father’s Day.

I’ll just share a few photos of his day
and then tell you what I found at Wholesale!

When we first arrived no one was in the pool but that soon
changed – before Aidan went in he was wet from head to toe
from playing at the edge of the pool.

Aidan pool

Darren and Aidan
Darren and Aidan 

Grandchildren Joe (10), Darren, Aidan (2) and Emily (12)
Em and Joe went in the pool at 1:00 and came out for dinner at 5:00
They came to our house the next day and they were so
exhausted that all three of us read the entire day
3 grandchildren

Grandson Jesse (21) and Granddaughter Alexandra (17)
Jese and Alex

Aidan couldn’t take anymore after being in the pool!
Aidan Sleeping

Aidan cake

His cousin gave him the cutest pair of
black high top Converse Tennis Shoes
Aidan and shoes

(Darren and MaryAnn are as brown as little berries
from being in the pool all the time!!!!)
Aidan and gifts

Today was Wholesale Cash & Carry in Madison – we got there at 7:30 and got in line – doors opened up at 8:00 and the rush was on.

We found a wonderful Wall Bowl Cupboard, Long American Flag, set of Americana Tins, Confederate Doll, Dried Clove scented split Oranges, Snuffer Candle Holders, 12 x 16 Black Framed Declaration of Independence, 2 Potted Lavender Plants

There might be a small thing or two that I forgot about but tomorrow when I take pictures I will put them on here – just wanted to let you know I’ll be showing some American things tomorrow or Wednesday.
Plus, after going to the Wholesale Show we stopped off at a golf course half way home and did ‘9’ holes – that was my first this season plus I got to use my new clubs and shoes!!!
Guess I’m needing some lessons….

I’m going to have 4 full days of ‘ME’ time
this week….husband is heading for Alberta, Canada 
this afternoon ‘till Saturday –

Seems he’s never home anymore - ‘Snap-On Tools’ is doing great business for the number of trucks
they have been making and delivering!

I have a couple
new orders so will probably work on them to keep busy.

Thanks everyone who come visit me – I appreciate and enjoy your comments and visits.

Enjoy!   Karen

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