The last couple weeks, something's happened. Something good.
Amidst all the stresses of the last few months... sickness... bizarre infections stemming from those sicknesses... an unexpected move... a few trips to the ER (one just two days ago with my littlest guy!)... general exhaustion from being pregnant... unpacking our house... getting geared up for another baby... dealing with heat without a/c... and whatever else life normally puts on our plates, I realized recently that I was just surviving through each day. Not to say I didn't enjoy my kids... and not to say I was a complete grump... but my tone got really firm and jaded (this was helpful for that), my plans took precedence over being responsive or spontaneous, and somewhere along the way, I became highly susceptible to annoyance and provocation.
- Am I patient with them?
- Am I kind to them?
- Do I show envy or boasting about them or towards them?
- Do I demand my own way all the time, or do I say "yes" to them when I can?
- Do I rejoice in their sin?
- Do I keep score of their wrongs? (like my "stamping" I talked about earlier!)
- Do I delight in the truth?
- Do I bear difficult things graciously?
- Am I hopeful in my interactions with them? Do I teach them to hope in God?
- Do I choose to believe them, or am I suspicious and distrustful?
- Do I endure in difficult times, or will I fail them by giving up and giving in to my own selfishness?
{End note: I debated about whether or not to share this; it feels so personal. I love my children and am so thankful for each one of them... but I wanted to encourage other moms-- that we all get stuck in ruts sometimes, that stress can rob us of joy, and that we can "get our groove back" in relationships that are wonky. We don't have to settle into a bad habit and just assume that "that's the way our relationship is now". We can choose to love. As Christians, we MUST choose to love. And when we do, joy and delight come.}
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