No Stitch Basket Liners


I got these bushel baskets for $2 a piece at a Pottery Barn Kids “going out of business” sale.  Of all places!  When I eyed them in the store, I knew instantly they would be the perfect addition to my laundry room.  Hung up, they provide a practical solution for dirty laundry.  It’s so nice not having to walk or trip over a basket on the floor. 
I decided to line them with burlap.  At first I was going to let the burlap hang over the sides, and tie rope around to secure it.  But then I saw this jute ribbon at the fabric store, and knew it would work even better.  I love how the orangey red stripe coordinates with the orangey red apron hanging in the room.

You’ll see here just how easy this project was.  I stuck the burlap in the basket, and cut around the top edge. 


Then I hot glue gunned the burlap to the basket rim.  Then did the same with the jute ribbon on top. 

I glued the inside and outside edges of the ribbon last. 

Super easy, no stitches required. 

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