Tools Not Toys

Our birthday bear was stuffed full this past weekend.  We celebrated our oldest daughter's birthday.  Our sweet Paris is now 11 (going on 16).

Can you guess what her current passion is?  When our kiddies were babes, some older and wiser parents taught us the concept of "tools not toys".  When gift giving time comes around, we remind ourselves of this sage advice. 

We borrowed the (below) dvd months ago from some friends and it started a passion for gardening in Paris.  She lived and breathed gardening for a few months until Spring allowed her to finally plant some seeds. 

 The "Art of Gardening" dvd planted the first real seeds however.  And on her 11'th birthday, she harvested her first tomato. 
We found out there are more dvd's by the same family.  Homestead Blessings is like Hillbilly Martha Stewart.  Not as polished but definitely more down to earth, these dvd's provide the Home Ec course you always wished you had in school.   We purchased Paris the whole set of 9 "tools" for her birthday, and we are excited to see what new passions and skills develop as a result of them!  

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