Fairly soon, we'll have a new little boy joining our family. His name will be Moses Henry, and he'll join in on our family's shenanigans and multiply our joy and be used by God to change each of us. I pray and trust that God will use Moses, his life, his personality, and his gifts, to impact this world in remarkable ways.
As I get closer to delivering, I just wanted to share the lyrics to a song. You may remember my appreciation for Lori Chaffer's voice and writing style... here's a song of hers that's been resounding in my head the last week or so:
(Supposedly, you can listen to it here)
Welcome to this dusty land
Where you will cry lots but we'll all understand
Things may not turn out sometimes like you plan
That's all right, our little man
Welcome outside of your mother's womb
Well, I know that it's frightening, but now there's more room
Just think of all the great things you'll do
Just by you being you
I don't care what the world says about all this struggling
All I know is that now you're here, it's all lovely, lovely
I don't care about all the things that have troubled me
Now that you're here I remember life can be so lovely
Welcome to us, oh, our little song
You're one part your daddy, one part your mom
They're gonna help you grow up to be strong,
But for now, little guy, sleep well
I'm definitely ready to welcome our little man outside of his mother's womb (his due date is a bit squidgy, but I think I'm about 38 & 1/2 weeks right now, due sometime the first few days or week of July), but I also know that God will bring him at the right time, and our lives will eternally change to include this new little person He's given.
For now, I get to enjoy feeling him a little longer on the inside (which still totally rocks my world... He pushes and flops and kicks and it's wild to think that each jump or hiccup is from a little person who will be so significant to me for the whole of my life). It amazes me that God lets us partner with Him to create eternal souls-- it's marvelous the way that each person He makes gives yet another unique perspective on the amazing God Who makes us all in His image. God teaches me so much through these children, these blessings, these little one-of-a-kind souls.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is, I am so excited to meet this new little man and have him be a part of our family.
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