Time is drawing close!

Okay everyone…are you excited about the
Mystery GiveAway???

Well I am – I’ve been drumming up ideas for it all last week and over the weekend wondering what to give away and not only that…have you seen the entries??? Oh man….there are a lot of you out there just so curious. I guess a good mystery gets to almost everyone doesn’t it?

Well I’ll keep you in suspense no more…here’s what’s
going to happen…being there are (to this point anyway)
151 entries – WOW!!!

So that being the case it sure doesn’t give you good odds does it? So here’s the deal…I’m going to give away TWO - just because! I don’t know if they will be exact or if I’ll mix them up or how the 2nd person will be chosen.

That’s all you are getting for now!
Am I being the good me or the bad me???  LOL

Lady and devil

Bring on the sun

Yesterday was a full day in the yard doing mulch and what a job…we live on a corner so we have several areas of gardens that need lots of attention so when it comes to mulch day it’s a chore. I went out to start helping after he got the lawn mowed. We started trimming areas and getting some left over leaves out of the base of some of the shrubs and
then the cleanup before the mulch was delivered….and when it came it was gorgeous.
I had said we were were getting the black mulch…I LOVE IT.
I like the dark look of dirt rather than the bright mulch.
Here’s 9 yards of it!

It was non-stop till 7 p.m. last night and by then
we were totally done in.
We both hauled wheelbarrows of it to locations and then
I was literally on my hands and knees all day long
and by evening I could barely move.
So here are a few pictures of the day as it progressed.

Oh, I did get my Perennials in the side gardens before
we got over in that area because once the mulch
got down i wasn’t going to disturb it.
And wouldn’t you know…just seconds after I got one of the Woodland Poppies in – he ran over it with the wheel of the wheelbarrow…now I think he’s out to get me with my flowers because a couple weeks ago he pulled out all of my Coneflowers..remember!!!!

So here’s what we did all day in the yard…Now I just have to wait for everything to grow bigger and flowerDriveway corner after

Back Rocks

Doug 1

Front side 

Side yard 2

Side yard

Front Corner

Me wheelbarrow

courtyard area.2 

courtyard area.1 

Front to back 

 Me working

Front 1

Taking a much needed break…don’t you love the pants!
Look at my shoes in the next picture…they went into the trash.
Me sitting


Oh, I forgot…our son Brett came over to pick up something so we put him to work blowing the area clean – I don’t think Doug could have picked up anything more by then!


Bring on the sun

I still have to get these planted and I think they are going to go in window boxes for the garage windows – it’s such a bare area over there now that the boat is gone.
Flowers for Pots

That’s it! Sorry to bore you with yard work but it’s all I have right now to share with you…but I did want to let you all know that the time is getting closer for the give away…

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