I Want Your Two Cents...

So the packages are on their way to the respective winners of my GIVEBACK...

I've hit a dry spell with posting... It happens once in a while to me...

Does this happen to you?

Anyway, I've been pondering a question and I'm putting it out there for some insight from all of you... Since I am in the biz of selling all things vintage, antique, junque de jour, whatever you call it, I am always interested in having what buyers are hot after... I was texting today with my pal TOT...Theresa from Time Worn Interiors who is at Brimfield selling her wares...And she said "WHITE" isn't selling...

I've been hearing rumors that this beloved look has fizzled... Bad news for moi as I'm all about the WHITE thing... So I want to know what you think...

Is the love of WHITE over?

Do you still buy it, sell it, covet it?

Is it a regional thing?

I know gray is all the rage, but I'm not quite ready to paint everything just yet and I'm not a trend follower at my house. I have what I love, and it just happens to be WHITE...

But, I am buying for the Fall show at Marburger and I am interested to know what's snagging the moolah these days. So please be frank, be stella (junque humor), but be honest about your thoughts on this. There's nothing worse than being stuck with a bunch of stuff you can't sell...

I will fess up and say that at Spring Marburger, my white stuff was not as popular as previously...

Give me your two cents please!!

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