Harmony in Marriage

15 years ago this month, I married my best friend for life. My husband and I are very different in many ways... he is a software engineer and well, suffice it to say, I am NOT. I was an artist before my children came along, and that is something he would never attempt to be. Our personalities are a tad different too, but we balance each other well.

Aside from the bigger things in life, like faith and family, we do share some common interests, as evidenced here on this home decor blog. Lucky for me, my husband's hobby is home improvement. I have the vision and he implements it beautifully. We're a good and dangerous team. Dangerous because it's caused many a move in which we got itching to start a whole new project. We're always in the middle of something.

My husband and I met in college at a coffee house we were both performing at. Our musical styles and influences were worlds apart in those days. Over the years though, our tastes started melding as one, and we started writing music together. Being Christians and desiring to meditate on scripture more effectively, we started putting scripture passages, word-for-word, to song. It was our desire for our children to benefit from these songs as well. Some friends started encouraging us to record the songs for their own children. So that's what we did.

The response to the albums has been very positive. The albums won't win any songwriting or production awards... they are just simple songs. We wanted to stick to the KJV or NKJV translations, and let me tell you, it's not an easy task to use words like "hath" and "reckon" and "vessels" in a melodic way. But what the songs lack in style, they are made up for in substance. And that was the whole point.

In celebration of our anniversary, we'd like to share three FREE downloads for you today. The first two songs are from our two Scripture in Song albums. The third song is from an album we are currently working on. It's going to be an album with hymns set to new music. We hope you enjoy them. Thanks for celebrating with us! For free download, click the song titles below.

Free Download: A New Song (Psalm 40:1-4a KJV)

To purchase Volume 1 album: click here

Free Download: In the Morning (Psalm 30:1-5 NKJV)

To purchase Volume 2 album: click here

Free Download: Found by You

Full album to come.

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