So I'm working on the elusive garden cottage today...

I swear there's a post coming any day now about it...

I had walked past a secret that nature left me about twenty times when I finally noticed this...

A sweet little nest inside a rusty sconce that flanks one side of the door into the cottage...

But then I noticed this... Do you see it?

The egg had fallen out of the nest and wedged between a garden pot that the nest is built on top of and the sconce... What to do, what to do?

I know you aren't supposed to touch the egg, but I thought the egg had no chance where it was and maybe the mama has even abandoned it already...

So I carefully lifted the nest and pot trying ever so hard to touch the nest as little as possible... Then using a plastic spoon I lifted the egg and place it back inside the nest where the mama left it.

I hope she comes back and thinks something magic has happened... I wonder if she is somewhere fretting over her lost baby... Do birds fret?

I'll be keeping an eye on the egg now... Let's keep our fingers crossed...

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