Pretty Flowers – Sneak Peek – Clean Up


So how is your weekend so far (by the time I’m finished composing this the weekend will be all over – I’ve stopped I’ll bet 10 times so far to do other things)…it has been a busy one here, and gorgeous – I went to the greenhouse yesterday for some annuals…I think (no…there’s no thinking now…I already bought them) I’m going to plant my own pots this year and save the labor costs so pray real hard for me because
I don’t always have good luck.

I just tried to take pictures of them but guess what…when I got back inside I saw the screen on the camera and it said…no card available…  It’s in my computer! I forgot to remove it!
So now you have to wait to see what I bought. I don’t even know the names of them either so that will be another post.
But then I realized there are name spikes in each plant and I have the internet so there ya go…easy peasy to find pictures.

So the following 3 flowers will be in one pot

Bluebird Nemesia

Diamond Frost Euphorbia

Nemesia Angelart Pear

I would have had them all planted but the containers are in the garage rafters and this ole body doesn’t climb ladders these days – not if I want to come down the same way I went up!

Then today I went out to my most favorite of all places to shop -  Northwind Perennial Farm for some Perennials.

I bought some Woodland Poppies, also known as Celadine Poppy…Oh My Gosh they are delightful! Such a beautiful gold and they look so much like a regular ‘red’ Poppy shape.

Celadine woodland Poppy

I bought 4 of them and really don’t know where they are going but need shade plants and also ones that aren’t going to be killed by the Black Walnut Tree that gives off a poison in the ground and kills lots of plants. And the side of our garage doesn’t like to grow grass because of all the trees and my husband kept his boat there for years…you know the story…nothing but dirt! So maybe I will do something there.

Our mulch is being delivered on Tuesday so wherever these plants are going to end up they had better get there by Tuesday because I’m not disturbing the mulch once it’s down. We’re getting Chocolate Brown mulch this year…it’s rather new in our area…we’ve seen it in Lancaster, PA at our cousins but this is the first year we’ve been able to get it.

And some Campanula Port Resholt – we have this growing in our rocks in the front of the house and want some in the back too….I bought 2 plants of these.
And they will go with pink Geranium Incanum
which I couldn’t find today
CAMPANULA_port_Resholt_VarietyGeranium Incanum 

And one plant of Veronica Waterperry which I have a couple of these already but the flower is gorgeous and tiny and loves shade and resists Black Walnut Trees.


Ready for Sneak Peeks????

I have also been a crafting fool yesterday and today as well – trying to get my wholesale merchandise made and I’m going to tease you some more again…and who knows, some of it might find its way into the Mystery Give A-way…hmmmmm…not sure but you can hope! lol

Just some little glimps’s of what I was doing today

I Finished 3 projects

really close up towel
 Picture close up 
Towel really close up

Oh, I forgot…I have some flags that had like a blueish
cast to the white part so I took my grunging mixture and doctored them up today and I love them….they look
so much like a Civil War Flag…they still have a bluish look
but I love them now all fixed up
CW Flags


Okay…now after doing these projects I had more mess on me than anywhere else…wish you could have seen my white top….more brown on it than white and you all know how coffee stains if you don’t get to it right away – well never fear everyone….a very long time ago I found a product that was meant for messy clean ups basically in the kitchen I think
but I don’t use it that way because of all the bleach in it…why anyone would spritz this near anything that would be effected by bleach is beyond me – but it is a Super Duper stain
remover on white clothes. I use this instead of spot remover and ALL the brown spots are gone.

I’ve had articles of clothing that have had a small spot here and there that just never came out no matter what I did until I found this. (Again…only on white clothes!) Just give the item a spritz, toss in the washer as normal and Walla – spots gone.
So if you have never tried it…Get It! You’ll love it.
Clorox Touch Up

So did I bore you with flowers today. Sorry….but I was
just so happy to find something that would
survive living by Black Walnut Trees!!!!

And again….don’t forget to sign up for my Mystery Give A-Way on Mother’s Day…go check it out here:
I keep getting better and better ideas of what to include so you will really be getting a great Give A-way!

Well it has been a very long day of crafting, groceries, misc. shopping, enjoying friends, eating dinner and then taking a long walk so I’m very ready to head in the house (I’m in the screen room) and it’s really getting dark….so I bid you all good night!

Hugs, Karen

I had my post all done and even had some comments so I had to come back on and add this…I totally forgot that I had a surprise on Friday…my husband went shopping by himself and came back home with a new set of Golf Clubs for ME!!!! yeahhhh
I have the new bag I bought  a few weeks ago, so now I’ll have to find a home for it because this set came with a bag.
Golf Clubs 1

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