wallpaper love

Many people think of wallpaper as being outdated. So wrong. It is back and bigger than ever. I absoutely love it. The only problem is, the cool wallpaper is insanely expensive. If you want to find a fun, more modern design, you most likely have to order from the UK. Although, Graham and Brown has US site and they are amazing. Here are some prints that I like: LOOOOVE this morrocan design. Its chocolate brown with a cream and a duck egg blue. It would look amazing in a powder room with some slate blue towels.

This wallpaper below is graham and brown. I actually have this wallpaper in my powder room on our main level. It's a mint green with metallic silver medallions. When I walk in, it makes me happy. :)
This one is by Todays Interiors. Love.
same print in another color

Here is the morrocan one again in a turqoise.
This one is by Amy Butler and I think it's really elegant looking. Great in a dining room.
So, the best site to find wallpaper is here. In the "find it fast" type in what you are looking for. Contemporary, Blue, Brown, etc. Happy wallpaper hunting.

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