Perfect Wedding Spot and Bragging A Little Bit

We took a ride today to visit the place of my Nephew’s wedding this coming Saturday.
We know where it is but our granddaughter and her boyfriend are going to follow us there because her parents are both in the wedding and have to be there early so we wanted to be sure we made the right turns so they can get back home if they don’t follow someone.

The wedding is going to be outdoors at Millie’s Pancake House in the garden.
Here are just a couple pictures of the place…it has been in business for as long as we can remember and reminds me of Pennsylvania…actually it’s all Pennsylvania Dutch cooking.
We didn’t have our camera so these are from their website

Millies in Winter


Millies 3

Millies 6

Millies 10

Wedding area in gazebo

Wedding 2

So please pray for good weather and no Mosquito’s!

While we were there we took in lunch…and it’s still as wonderful as I remember.

Pumpkin line

Oh…. I finally get to have the shots in my lower back and hip.
Can’t remember being excited about getting shots!
But it sure will help the pain – I get my first one next Wednesday and then 2 weeks in between the next 2 for a series of 3 shots all together. So by the third week of October I should be feeling pretty chipper – ready to run a race…I think not!

Pumpkin line

I don't post photos of my grandchildren on a regular basis but I just became friends on Face  Book with my granddaughter, Alexandra, and looked at her photo album....I snagged some pictures of her that I didn't know she had...I Love now I'm going to brag.

Alex is the sweetest, most sincere young lady I know and she's not afraid to wear her 'granddaughter heart' on her sleeve for all the world to see and hear....

She works at McDonald's and sometimes Grandpa will run in just to buy something to see if she's working and if she is and she sees him she doesn't care who's around...she yells out
And she does it every time we see her out and about... plus I think she's just a little beauty at 17!

So here's my special Alexandra!

Alex 5

Alex 4

Alex 3

Alex 7

Alex 2 

Her and her boyfriend Tyler

Alex and Tyler 1

 Alex and Tyler 2

We’re so proud of you and we Love you Alex!!!!
Grandma and Grandpa


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