Sarah's House

My newest Sarah Richardson. :) I discovered Sarah's House on HGTV a couple weeks ago. I don't have cable or I resort to for past episodes. I'm forever grateful for networks posting on their websites to get my tv fix sometimes. Especially decorating and reality shows! LOL

I love Sarah's style. She usually decorates using high end accessories but she throws in those cheap flea market/auction finds to give the room that extra touch! And some of her high end choices can easily be remade cheaper with a creative my mind just flows when I watch her show! Plus she's really funny!

Here is some of her FAB work!

Images from HGTV

Plus, I love her sidekick, Tommy. Anyone else watch Sarah's House?

No baby in mind...but I love the room! Just switch out the crib with a bed!

I discovered MORE episodes on HGTV Canada! So I know what I'll be doing while Son #2 aka Mr. T is taking a nap.

What's your favorite decorating show or designer? I would love hear!
Have a wonderful day!

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