Happy Wednesday! I didn't mean to be gone so long...I hope none of you were worried that I killed over at my race this weekend. LOL
I'm sure it didn't even cross your mind.
Hubby and I had a great time during our run! Hubby got 2nd place in the 5 mile. A very fit 60+ year old man got 1st! I finished my 2 mile in the upper 2nd 1/2 of the group, so I was thankful for that.
Killer hills and RAIN, I'm blaming my "slower" time on! It looked like the rain was letting up as the race started. But as soon as we started to run, it started up again...along with lightning and thunder.
It felt like a scene from the "Wildcats" movie as Goldie Hawn is racing her football team in the rain and guck!
But I survived and we're ready to sign up for another run that will be in February. I'm sure a blizzard will be in the forecast that day. :)
I got some goodies at a couple garage sales this weekend that I need to share with you this week. Lots of projects floating around in this head of mine. I just need a few more hours in the day...don't we all?!
I did a quick makeover on my cute clock I bought at the 400 mile garage sales for $1.
It was cute before but there were some green tarnish areas and the clock didn't work.
I wanted to attempt to take the clock apart without shattering the curved glass (which was my favorite part).
I don't know what this came off off but it isn't a hanging clock because the clock element stuck out in the back. Seems like it was attached to "something" back in the day. But I loved the design, so it was going home with me!
One thing's for sure...they don't make things like they used to. That clock was a bear to disassemble!! It was WELL put together. Too bad it didn't work anymore.
Funny story. It took all my "man power" to get even the hands of the clock off. The hour hand went flying over my head...which I thought. I looked all over for that darn thing. It couldn't of went too far because I was sitting on the couch with a wall behind me. After several minutes of looking, I gave up...when I went to bed, the hour hand was in my bra. Nice, huh? I don't know how I didn't feel that metal thing in my undergarment all day!
Well here is my clock today!
I spray painted it with metal primer, then heirloom white, then added some asphalt glaze to it to make the detail pop!
I also added a new clock part from Hobby Lobby. I was tickled to bring this thing back to life!
I added a simple ribbon for easier hanging.
Don't you love quick and easy makeovers like this? What have you been working on lately?
I have a list of things that I need to work on!
Light Fixtures
Surprise Trash Find
Stay tuned for project updates!
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