What do you get when you have some old garage sale frames, scrapbook paper and gorilla glue...then put them all together?!! A fun art piece for Son #1 aka Mr. K's room!
My son loves maps. We live in Nebraska. So gotta highlight our great state!
What I used:
2 garage sale frames-the small one was 10 cents and was already painted the pretty blue. I sanded it a little and added some Early American-MinWax stain to it. The bigger frame was probably 50 cents. I painted it cream and just sanded the edges.
I cut out the state's shape out of brown cardstock and added the star for Lincoln, our state capital...which we live just 20 minutes south. I used off white cardstock for the background to make it pop.
In the bigger frame I used a piece of scrapbook paper that I got on sale at Hobby Lobby. I love the colors in it!!
Here's the fun part. I cleaned up the dusty glass real good. Then I just glued the small frame right on to the big frame's glass. I used Gorilla Glue. I love that stuff! I placed a heavy bowl on top until it was dry and secure.
So now we have a fun art piece to showcase our great state. Not bad for probably $1 in materials!
This is super easy for anyone to make! Don't want to showcase your state? How about your child's art, photo, monogram or a favorite sport/activity...? The ideas are endless. Hope this inspires you to go through your old frames and make a creation!
Have a beautiful day!
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