Another Good Book

Hello! Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend! It's super hot in Nebraska! We are actually in a heat advisory. So it's much better to stay inside. I feel sorry for hubby...the air in our car isn't working so he is a wet mess when he comes home from work. Hopefully that will be fixed this week.

I read another GOOD book this weekend! I have been searching for another book since I finished "The Help". I'm drawn to non-fiction and also fiction based around true events. I came across "Sarah's Key" in the library last week. First of all this is a very fast read...Bonus! And the story is powerful, sad, overwhelming. I. Loved. It.


Julia Jarmond, an American journalist living in Paris with her French husband Bertrand, is assigned to write about the roundup and transportation of Jews from Paris to Auschwitz in 1942. During her research she discovers that her and Bertrand`s home was purchased by his parents after the Jewish family that lived there was deported to the death camps. Julia becomes increasingly obsessed and disturbed by the story of the family, particularly that of Sarah Starzynski, the 10-year old girl who would become the only survivor of the Nazi occupation. Both Julia`s and Sarah`s stories are harrowing and fascinating.
Has anyone else read this?

Next on my list is "Water For Elephants". I heard this was super also.


I'm sharing some more blast from the past makeovers from last summer.

I got this Chinese checkerboard at a junk store.

Then I painted a traditional design on there using painter's tape. Then I added some dark walnut stain to richin' it up.

I bought this spice cupboard for $5 at a garage sale. Looks like "he's" screaming at ya and with 3 sets of eyes! LOL

I replaced the knobs with smaller wood ones, painted it black, then red on top, sanded, then stained. It's one of my favorite pieces. :)

Have a wonderful evening. Will be back soon with some finished projects. :)

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