Lancaster Trip!

Wow, what a week - - Lots of driving – we left here around 11:00 ish and weather was very cooperative except for one blast of rain that lasted about an hour so we had it pretty good.

We arrived at his cousins and had a wonderful evening dinner of grilled chicken, sautéed asparagus/peppers/onions, chicken flavored wild rice and for dessert their daughter Kylee made Molten Lava Cakes.

Linda prepared dinner, Kylee made the cakes and while we ate the cakes baked so it was fresh from the oven and ohhhh so delicious.

Linda, Me, Doug, John
All of us 

Karen and Linda 1

Kylee and here dessert
Kylee and cake

How’s this for decadent!!!!
Recipe in next post…so be watching for it.

After getting some rest we started out our Wednesday with me leaving to meet Lori ( )

Unfortunately I forgot my camera and wasn’t going to turn around to get it because Lori was fixing us breakfast and I’m so glad she did – it was delicious.
Eggs with Bacon and Onion and Fresh Fruits and I had Iced Tea….along with the wonderful breakfast we exchanged our gifts and she gave me a tour of her beautiful home.
I can’t tell you how gorgeous her home is! Lots of wood and gorgeous Prim decor…oh to have just a few of her wonderful CROCKS!!!!  She was always with me so I couldn’t even put one in my gift bag she had given me – she’d never have missed it I’m sure!

I digressed there for a bit….I did stop at a store near her home to purchase a cheap digital camera but had to get it operating when I got to her place….wouldn’t you think a 60+ woman who has a fairly intelligent brain could figure out how to get it to work….NOT….so no pictures.
Hoping Lori will send me a few photos.

We did get to shopping after our breakfast and tour – and I did find a few items I just had to have…one was a ‘cutter quilt’ which isn’t going to be cut up because it’s going in the guest room with the new decor – the lady was so happy it would continue its ‘usefulness’ and not be cut up in pieces. Photo’s to come later.
For the life of me I can’t remember the names of the shops we stopped at but there were several
As I unpack my items (which are still on the dining room table) I will take pictures and hopefully by then I can get the names of the shops from Lori.

Oh, in the middle of shopping we went to the Dobbin House for lunch in Gettysburg…been there a few times before but it’s always a treat when I get to go there.

We did cut the day a bit short because Lori’s back was hurting very bad. I will say she is a trooper and hung in there until she couldn’t anymore….and I must say I was right behind her with my lower back and hips so it was a goof thing we stopped when we did.

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Now on to the rest of the trip – I do have some photos from Thursday on.

My husband and I stopped at Family Heirloom Weavers and got a tour of the loom rooms – wow, we were amazed what comes off those machines – how they produce the amount of products they do is incredible!
I got a few photos of the retail store that sit’s on the same property as the weaving shop – actually it is the family home of the the owners and he grew up here.









FHW 10

FHW 11

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Here’s one of my favorite shops in Lancaster – they have now taken the main house and turned the main floor into part of their shops – you must go visit this place when you are there next time.
Olde Mill House Shoppe

Olde Mill House Shoppes 1

Olde Mill House Shoppes 2
Side view of home – gorgeous isn’t it!

Olde Mill House Shoppes 3

And another favorite place to shop is Maple Croft
Maple Croft 1

Just had to take a picture of the Amish farmers corn – they use EVERY single piece of earth to plant – just look at how close to the road the corn is planted….actually in some places the blacktop is broken away from the machinery.

Corn 1

Corn 2

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Seems none of my photos are in order of the days we did things – but I guess that really doesn’t matter at all does it…

On Thursday we met a friend at the new Cork Factory restaurant ‘The Cork and Cap’.
I met Grace Mauer when she was working at the Amish View Inn and now she is at the Cork Factory and invited us to lunch. What a gorgeous place. If you have never seen it you must go.
The whole project is privately owned and is just a work of art – and it took several years for the project to be finished.
So here are just a few photos I had a chance to take.

The restaurant is to the left on the lower level, the rooms are in the rest of the building
Cork Factory Hotel

Cork Factory Hotel 1

Main entrance to dining and lounge/bar area
Cork Factory Hotel 8

Cork Factory Hotel 9

All antiques on wall – part of a collection by the owner of the building

Cork Factory Hotel 10

Cork Factory Hotel 11

Cork Factory Hotel 7 

Cork Factory Hotel 17 

Okay, I know….nothing interesting here but as soon as I get my goodies unpacked I can take pictures and then I’ll post them.

I did get to see Teresa ( ) at the Lititz Craft Show on Saturday and what a show that was. Over 500 vendors. We got there at 7:20, found Teresa’s booth, picked up our purchases and took them back to the van so we didn’t have to lug them around.

We then proceeded to walk, shop and chat for 4-1/2 hours….my feet were okay but my lower back and hips were killing me.
I saw Susan Burd  ( ) and Nikki Dull (from APP) and a few other girls from the forums as well…oh and Linda (Brelin4) from APP was at In Grandma’s Attic on Friday when we were there as well.

Friday night we went to the Sight and Sound Theater and saw ‘Joseph’ and all I can say to that is WOW! What a show. I’m so happy we went – it was phenomenal.

I’m leaving now….nothing more to really chat about – I know you all want pictures instead of ‘words’ so give me a couple days to get it all organized and then I will put them on!

See ya around blogland.


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