Knock, Knock...

I love doors. My heart sinks when I see old doors with chippy white paint. Sigh...I have a stack of doors in our shed that hubby can't wait for me to get out of there! Ha! There are so many projects going through my head on what to do with them. It takes time to make a masterpiece. :)

Son #2 just transitioned from a crib to a bed this summer. We had him sleeping on the floor with the mattress first to get used to not falling now it was time he moved to big time and had a frame!

I have always wanted to make a door headboard. The look is simple but so so nice! I was kind of leery using an old door for my young son's room. He's a wild man! And I don't need any old lead paint to make him more wild! So we came across a brand new big wood door at a garage sale this summer. It was a little more than what I would normally would spend on a door but the peace of mind it was lead free was worth it.

This door was big! Too big for any of our doorways in our house even. Hubby cut 2 pieces for the head and foot boards. There was even some leftover for me to use on another project! Yeah!

I painted the door black and added a 1x3 to the top and 2x2's for the sides (for easy mounting purposes). And as always, I sanded it and stained it dark walnut~MinWax. I also applied MinWax wax for a little protection. Plus it's nice and smooooooth.

And here it is today in Son #2's room and he LOVES it!

The comforter is actually from Wal-Mart and this thing is soooo soft! I wish it was on my bed! I had black or grey in mind but Son #2 chose RED. We have just discovered that RED is his favorite color.

Hubby attached the "doors" to the metal frame holding the box springs and mattress.

Oh the bench at the foot of the bed, I made awhile back. I was using it as our "coffee table" but I like it much better in here! I'm thinking about painting it red someday. I got the blue baskets for $1 each at Target. As you can see 2 are empty...

Because this is what the floor looks like during my photo shoot. :)
This boy sure loves cars!

Sometime soon, I will share the rest of his "car" room. The MOPAR sign is from a garage sale. I wanted this on eBay and found it for more than 1/2 price less at a sale instead! My hubby likes MOPAR muscle I knew he would appreciate the sign as well. I love the "vintage look"!

Thanks for taking a peak at my latest project. I'll be back soon with more! Have a great weekend!

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special



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