Last week I was in Pennsylvania (anyone surprised! LOL) for the Buyers Wholesale Show at Valley Forge and I found this beautiful Robin's Egg Blue Mitten Box - I thought it would look nicer than the shelf I had in its place by our door...cute isn't it? I think so!
And get husband thinks he's actually going to put winter hats and mittens/gloves in there! lol

I bought a few other items but have them all packed in containers for my home show - sorry I didn't take pictures but I like to have my customers have a surprise at show time.
The picture doesn't show how nice the color is - I couldn't get it right. But I love how it looks.

On Tuesday's during the summer we have two of our grandchildren and last week Grandpa bought them a cookbook so they/we can make lunch or treats when they come.

They take turns picking out a recipe and by the next Tuesday I have all the ingredients for it...and then the other one chooses something for the next week. It's fun and they learn as well.

Today they picked Grubs and Bugs made with tiny Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs, Pillsbury Crescent rolls and pretzels for legs!

Emily and Joe preparing the Bugs and Grubs

Emily with her lunch

Joe with his

I hope you all haven't expected too much from me lately - I just don't seem to have time for anything except sewing - it even went to PA with me...each evening in the room I would relax and stitch away.

After getting home late Friday night from my trip (oh, Doug was in California while I was in PA and he got home in the wee hours of the morning) on Saturday we had a birthday party to go to all day for our son's Mother In-Law and then all day Sunday it was a graduation party for my nieces son.
Aidan and mommy at his grammies birthday party

Our whole family (minus Darren, MaryAnn and Aidan - they still had overnight birthday guests/family)
My family and my brothers family and our Step parents - the graduation boy is in the front in the green shirt - he's a big one. That's Alex!

Our step dad, sister in law, brother, step mom, me, Doug
I'm going to try and be more conscious about posting on here - but don't wager bets...I'm GOING TO TRY!
NOTE: Lately I've been having trouble with my lower back again so I had to call off the GATHERING OF FRIENDS...I'm not sure what's happening with it right now so I didn't want to get all the gals there and not show up. This was the wisest and only thing I could do.
Hugs and thanks for visiting me again.

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Scenes From A Birthday

My mother treated Mr. Sweet Pea and I to a lovely lunch at the Gaylord Palms Resort for my birthday. This place is unbelievable. All situated under a huge glass dome, there are multiple restaurants, bars, shops, the world-renowned Canyon Ranch Spa, and lush tropical settings to explore. And of course there is the resort itself. Take a tour with me...

The herb garden just outside the restaurant we dined at.

The view up to the dome from where we sat.

Beautiful tropical setting.

A cute little cabin tucked among the vegetation where you could sit.

Under the wooden walkway.

Can you see the gators on the rock?

A tunnel to explore.

The dome. Unbelievable.

Beautiful rock formations.

The turret at the castle modeled after the one in St. Augustine FL.

Gorgeous driftwood nestled among the plants.

Look at this moss covered seating near the restaurant.

Enter Key West--one of the restaurants.

The boat where you can dine or just hang out and have a drink.

There's even a beach...

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The Big 5~0 And I Don't Mean Hawaii Baby

So it's official... I am 50 today!! How did this happen?? And thanks AARP for rubbing it in. No really, just kidding! I feel the same at 50 as I did at 30 (in my head). And I decided a while back that I would look at this as a turning point to start living my life to its fullest potential~~push myself a little~~see where I can take myself~~get a discount at the drive thru. So cheers everyone, here's to being 50 and FABULOUS!!!!!

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I'd Rather Be In Paris

After participating in the swap that Mary from VINTAGE PATINA recently hosted, I organized my own called I'd Rather Be In Paris (wouldn't we all?). Yesterday I received my package from my partner~the lovely Lauri~of 2CHIPPYS. Nestled among the shredded paper and bubble wrap were these goodies....

Not one but two brown transferware pitchers, and three brown transferware saucers (Lauri knows I love these), 2 linen towels with a pretty fleur de lis stamp on them, a fab cork covered journal, a black beaded rosary, and two adorable little fabric pictures of Frenchy mademoiselles.

Merci Lauri! I hope to post about the other participants swap goodies as they send me their links, so please check back.


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So I discovered a blog this evening called FADED CHARM and KATHLEEN was lovely to include me in what she calls WHITE WEDNESDAY. What with the sun setting and all, the lighting was bad for pics, so I had to resort to the archives. Doubt that you'll be disappointed though~cause who does WHITE better than Marburger Farms dealers?










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Studying Love - part one

Lately, some friends and I have been doing a study on the 1 Corinthians 13 passage about love. And BOY, has it been convicting!!!

There is so much of a richness about the choice *to* love once you really examine what it means. We treat "love" so lightly-- we "fall in" and "fall out" of it, we love those shoes, we love our children, we love that hilarious comedy on TV, we love the way so-and-so does such-and-such... but biblical love as presented here, in this brotherly, one-anothering kind of love... well, it's a real challenge.

I'll share the biblical definitions (from the Greek & from biblical cross-references), and then I'll share with you the boiled-down, nitty-gritty "working" definition we've come up with for each of the attributes we've studies so far. The reason we are doing this is because we use many of these words in ways that are different from how the Bible uses & treats them, and we wanted to get clear on what, through 1 Corinthians, God is actually saying about love. The applicable and illuminating cross-references are listed at the end, in case you want to go deeper on any or all of these subjects.

Love is patient-- forbearing, slow to anger, enduring misfortune, not eager for punishment, overlooking offense

  • Working DEF of "patient"-- to endure & abound in Christlike grace towards even the most difficult people & situation

  • {Cross-refs: Eph 4:1-2, James 1:19-20, Prov 19:11, 1 Thess 5:14, 2 Pet 3:9, Exod 34:5-6, 1 Tim 1:15-16}
Love is kind-- pleasant, soft, tender, compassionate, tenderhearted, eager to show kindness... [opposites: bitter, harsh, sharp, hard]
  • Working DEF of "kind"-- treating others with a soft, tender awareness of our shared need for grace & forgiveness

  • {Cross-refs: Prov 15:1, Ps 133:1, Prov 16:24, Ps 64:3, Titus 2:5, Col 3:12-13, 2 Cor 6:3-10, Eph 4:31-32, Luke 6:27-36, Gal 5:22, Isa 30:18, Ps 103:9-14}
Love does not envy-- [envy: strongly desiring to possess the advantage enjoyed by another; hated by others, hating one another; rivalry]
  • Working DEF of "does not envy"-- contentedly rejoices in the life God has given me and rejoices with others in the life He's given them.

  • {Cross-refs: Job 5:2, Prov 14:20, Eccl 4:4, Titus 3:3, James 3:16, Gal 5:19-21, Gal 5:26, 1 Pet 2:1, 1 Cor 3:3, Rom 13:13-14}
Love does not boast-- [boast: like a vaulted ceiling; lifts itself; proud; haughty; arrogant about wisdom, might, riches, or the future]
  • Working DEF of "does not boast"-- lifts up Christ and His will, not self and my plans.

  • {Cross-refs: Ps 34:2, Jer 9:23-24, Prov 27:1, 1 Sam 2:3, Ps 10:2-5, Ps 5:5, James 4:16, Ps 12:3, 1 John 2:16}
Love is not arrogant-- [arrogant: self-exaltation]. Regarding arrogance, throughout the Bible we saw that "God hates", "God lays low", "He does not endure", and He "will repay". It is "an abomination". Again and again, we saw the attributes of humility-- humble in words, not full of pomp, abased, hoping in God rather than self, and that humility is looked on with favor and grace from the Lord.
  • Working DEF of "is not arrogant"-- one who actively roots out pride and approaches God, others, and life with humility.

  • {Cross-refs: Prov 8:13, James 4:16, 1 Sam 2:3, Is 13:11, Pr 16:5, Job 35:12, Ps 101:5, Isa 2:17, Ps 5:5, Ps 31:23, Is 2:11, Job 40:11-12, Pro 15:25, Pro 21:4, 2 Cor 12:7, 1 Tim 6:17, 1 John 2:16, 1 Pet 5:5}
Love is not rude-- [rude: unable to act with self control, interrupting, to act unbecomingly, seeking one's own advantage]
  • Working DEF of "is not rude"-- puts others first, seeks to benefit and please others before self

  • {Cross-refs: Prov 18:13, Romans 15:1, 1 Cor 9:23, Phil 2:21, 1 Cor 10:33, 1 Cor 10:24}
Love does not insist on its own way-- [does not insist on its own rights, never seeks its own to the hurt or neglect of others, lays aside selfish aims]
  • Working DEF of "does not insist on its own way"-- essentially, we couldn't boil it down any better than this, what the Scripture already specifically says. To me, the "does not insist on its own *rights*" definition was helpful, because our culture is so good at "standing up for", "demanding", and "expecting" our rights. So, for me, that was a helpful one.

  • {Cross-refs: Phil 2:1-7, Isa 56:10-12, 1 Cor 9:19-23, 1 Cor 10:32-33, Prov 18: 1-2, Romans 12:10, Gal 5:19-21, James 3:13-15, Matt 4:8, John 6:38, 2 Cor 8:9, James 2:8, Romans 15:1-3, Luke 9:23; 2 Tim 2:1, 3-4, 10; Romans 14:1, 4, 7-8, 10, 13, & 19}

This entire study has been only of the Word itself (not through a book, DVD series, etc.), and it has been so powerful. So many things have been much more illuminated and made clear in our hearts and minds as we've combed through what the whole counsel of God's Word has to say on each of these subjects. Each word piles up on top of the others to present a beautiful challenge of what Christ's love lived out in us can look like.

As I've looked at each of the specific definitions, I am challenged again and again by what God needs to do in my heart and life for me to really be living out love to the people around me. The description of "love" here is one that is not easily met. It is very easy to say "I love you"... but much harder to live in a kind, patient, selfless, content way-- the actions and attitude of love. I hope that sharing this will be helpful for someone else too.

Click here to see the remaining portion of this study (Studying Love-part two).

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The Disciple-Making, World-Changing, Heart-Molding Role of Mother

If you are one who loves Christ, who desires to see people come and know Him, and longs to find her purpose in the world, let me commend to you the role of mother.

If you are a young woman who has been told all the horrors and sob stories of colic and tantrums and have somehow missed hearing about the joy of raising up interesting, unique individual men and women who will know and serve God, let me commend to you the role of mother.

If you are a gal of my generation, who was told you could "be anything you wanted to be" without ever even having it be hinted that that "anything" might include being "everything" to some little people, let me commend to you the role of mother.

If you are a lady who wants to change the world and make it a better place, let me commend to you the role of mother.

If you are someone who desires to impact people in a huge way, help others to overcome difficulties and find their strengths and God-given abilities, so that they might in turn serve God & contribute to this glorious world in a more weighty manner, let me commend to you the role of mother.


  • ... have the opportunity to impact lives, day-in, day out-for 18+ years, more time than any professor or doctor or preacher or counselor will ever be able to have in the lives of the people they seek to impact.
  • ... have the privilege to study and know their children so that they can train, counsel, and encourage them as they grow towards adulthood
  • ... are given the blessing and responsibility of connecting deeply and wonderfully with their children in ways that are virtually impossible with the world at large.
  • ... have the opportunity to love and be loved in a way that is entirely distinct from any other sort of relationship.
  • ... are able to change the world through a mastery of various fields and talents that they themselves do not possess, as they spur on and encourage their children to find their God-given place of service.
  • ... are able to teach and train and sharpen and shape and guide and gear their children in ways that will forever alter human history.
  • ... have the privilege of praying with intimate understanding for the hearts and lives of people from the very beginning of their existence.
  • ... have a purposeful career designed by God Himself, with His assistance and leadership guaranteed throughout.
  • ... have the unique experience of watching the man they love grow into a man who loves in ways that were unseen and unknown before he became a father.
  • ... have a God-given life with sanctification built-in by the requirements of hard work, selflessness, disappointment, perseverance, patience, grace, self-control, and a continual seeking of wisdom from above.
  • ... have the unique opportunity to work hand-in-hand with God Almighty and the husband He has given to mold future adults.
I am not saying this is the only way-- but I am absolutely saying that it is an awesome way, and a God-designed way, for women to yield to their Maker by welcoming with joy and with great sober responsibility the blessing and gracious gift of children into their hearts, lives, and wombs.

God continues to do amazing things in my heart and life and draw me closer to Himself through this role of mother, and I would be a foolish woman indeed if I did not speak highly to you of this beautiful means of sanctification that God has given to women: the disciple-making, world-changing, heart-molding role of mother.

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Our youngest grandson, Aidan, turned one on Saturday and we went to his party - it had to be one of the hottest days this week as well - man it was hot! But we all had a wonderful time.
Unfortunately their pool wasn't ready otherwise it would have been a great way to cool off...but little Aidan got to - one of his aunties bought him this adorable pool and he sure loved it.



So you see I don't have a lot to post right has been busy for me so that's what has been keeping me away lately.
I'm so missing posting on here but the orders come first.
I miss all of you as well - I try and check in now and then but after I'm on the computer for about 1/2 hour I start getting antsy to get back to my for now it's going to be slow for me posting.
Thanks for viewing today!

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Three Must-Reads

Catherine R. wrote a moving post a little more than a year ago about her own experience with abortion... and then one day she up and deleted her whole blog in a moment of exasperation. Last week, she wrote her thoughts out once again, and I highly recommend you read her honest account and thoughts laid out here:

My friend Kelly faithfully writes, day after day, to encourage married women in the area of intimacy & love. This week, she wrote a post that (from what people write here @ MH, & say in e-mails) I think that many, many women need to read:

This week, two families that we know brought home their adoptive children-- one family, after waiting for nearly 3 years for the sibling group they adopted from Haiti, and another couple, after facing infertility for many years, and unexpectedly getting a call while they were on vacation. Every time-- and I mean EVERY time-- I hear an adoption story, it touches my heart in a place that few things do. Just today I found myself daydreaming about volunteering in an orphanage or children's home... and at least a couple times each year, Doug & I find ourselves having the "should we adopt now?" discussion, which has (so far) been held off. Perhaps one day.

But for anyone who is even remotely interested, even in just helping another family to be able to adopt, this post is monumentally helpful and important. With the main blogpost written as an awesome testimony to how God has provided for several adoptions in her family, plus over 60 (so far) comments thrown in by others with their stories & tips, this is a rich resource full of ideas for how to afford adoption:

Many blessings, all, and happy reading!

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Our Simple (and Inexpensive) Wedding

Today, Crunchy Con ran a piece about simple weddings coming back en vogue, and asked people to share about their wedding if they somehow managed to avoid the extravagant $25,000+ affairs that seem to be the "norm" in the east coast.

Well, we avoided that kind of crazy price by a long shot (I think our total wedding costs may have totaled something like $2000)... so I decided to share about it here. Sadly, I don't have access to most of our wedding pictures (they're back in storage in the States)-- but I've taken some semi-fuzzy digital shots of the prints that we have here. I'll bold our money-saving ideas... I'm sure you can find more elsewhere, but this is how we pulled off an inexpensive wedding that was beautiful, intimate, and that we still look back on with delight.

For invitations, I waited to find a good deal and we chose simple, classic invitations from a company that was offering much less expensive rates. We bought some silver-inked pens and some friends and I took an afternoon to address the envelopes ourselves. We limited the amount of invitations we purchased, and nearly all the invitations were sent to people we really hoped would come-- not every Tom, Dick, and Harry we and our parents ever knew. The invitations were sent in a normal rectangular-shaped envelope, so that it did not require additional stamps.

I went into Microsoft Word & designed the wedding program myself, and had it printed on a custom-sized parchment-style paper at the local printshop. Little details like this could have really added up, but by doing them ourselves, we saved a lot of money in ways that really weren't noticeable, and in the long run, don't matter a hill of beans.

We got married in our college chapel... a quaint building with ethereal light drifting in the opague windows. In that chapel, I'd worshipped, poured my heart out before the Lord, repented of sins big and small, shared words of encouragement, and led fellow students in songs of praise. Because we were students, we made a deposit and received it back in full, so the location cost us nothing.

Like every bride, I scoured the bridal magazines and saw dresses that were gorgeous, but found one in a magazine photo that was right up my alley. Of course, as they always are, it would have cost thousands of dollars. But at a friendly neighborhood David's Bridal, I found an almost identical dress for a few hundred dollars. The bridesmaids dresses were on sale at David's. I've since heard from friends who got even better deals at David's by being more open to anything and hitting the sales racks there.

For all the typically expensive stuff, we found some friends who had hobbies in the areas of our need... we knew a young married guy who had connections in the flower business & knew where to get large amounts of flowers for much less money, so we hired him to do all our flowers-- all white daisies (my favorite). I bought glass fishbowl-like glassware (and probably some ribbon too) at a Hobby Lobby sort of store for a fraction of what it would have cost from a florist, and that friend did all the arranging.

For the rehearsal dinner, we used a dietetics major who was beginning a catering business, and it was delicious-- she worked with us to custom-make the menu and Doug's mom made a favorite family recipe for the dessert. As gifts for the bridal party, I kept my eye out for good deals and bought matching jewelry for the bridesmaids, and we ordered a set of fun-colored swiss army knives off of eBay for the groomsmen.

One of our friends was a campus photographer with a great eye, so we asked him if he'd be willing to do our wedding. He'd never shot a wedding before, so I made a list for him, in order (to go along with the service order), of the basic photos I wanted. I starred the ones that were most important for me, so that if he had to miss a shot, it wouldn't be one that was super-important for us to have, and he came to the rehearsal dinner to practice and get a feel for where he'd stand, where the light would be, etc. He did formal color pictures for all the normal shots, and informal, more artistic black-and-white shots for all the post-wedding & reception shots. He developed a set of prints and handed the film over to us. He did an excellent job, and for payment, my husband painted a Ruth/Boaz themed painting (the "where you go, I will go" passage was a centerpiece of our wedding vows) and traded him the painting for his photography services.

If I had it to do over again, I probably would not have paid the money for a video of our wedding. However, a close friend that sang in our wedding died suddenly only a few years later, and so I'm thankful that I have the video for that one reason. But the cost of the video (perhaps a hundred dollars? can't remember...), compared to the few times we've ever watched it, probably was not worth it.

There was a place on campus with a wall of windows that looked out over the nearby river... we opted to have our reception there, and again, it cost (if anything) very little.

We found a comparably inexpensive local baker who did a beautiful basketweave buttercream tiered cake, and ordered from her, with fresh daisies and an antique Wilton cake topper I'd bought off eBay as decorations. She was most excited about doing the groom's cake-- a chocolate sheet cake frosted with the image of a Rothko painting on top. My husband, Doug, was a painting major, and Rothko was his favorite artist at that time. :)

For food & decor, we hired a family friend with an on-the-side catering business. She made all the reception foods, worked with the floral guy for decorations, and arranged for all the linens, etc. It was simple, as we had an afternoon wedding, with a good assortment of finger foods, desserts, and drink options. For music, we asked a close friend who played classical guitar (Thanks again, John & Julie!) to play whatever he wanted. It was beautiful accompaniment for a low-key and enjoyable reception.

Not everyone has friends in every area necessary for pulling off a wedding, and I understand that... but really, local colleges and young businesspeople are really great resources for doing a wedding, if you're willing to work with them and help them to succeed. Asking around in your "circle" for different people who may have connections with florists, the desire to do catering jobs, or with special skills (like web design, photography, or musical abilities) can really save a bundle of money. Doing as much yourself as possible will save money, and can be done without stress if you plan well. We cut corners on almost everything, but the wedding was absolutely enjoyable and suited us perfectly.

My hope is that this post will encourage young women who may read it to be freed from feeling the burden of pulling off some "perfect" event, and instead opt for something that will be enjoyable and suit your personality without breaking the bank.

Our best memories from the day are seeing each other, visiting with the people we love, and receiving spoken and prayed blessings from our family & friends. And of course, the most important thing of all was that we marked the beginning our lives together before God and others as man and wife. The rest is just details.

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