Scenes From A Birthday

My mother treated Mr. Sweet Pea and I to a lovely lunch at the Gaylord Palms Resort for my birthday. This place is unbelievable. All situated under a huge glass dome, there are multiple restaurants, bars, shops, the world-renowned Canyon Ranch Spa, and lush tropical settings to explore. And of course there is the resort itself. Take a tour with me...

The herb garden just outside the restaurant we dined at.

The view up to the dome from where we sat.

Beautiful tropical setting.

A cute little cabin tucked among the vegetation where you could sit.

Under the wooden walkway.

Can you see the gators on the rock?

A tunnel to explore.

The dome. Unbelievable.

Beautiful rock formations.

The turret at the castle modeled after the one in St. Augustine FL.

Gorgeous driftwood nestled among the plants.

Look at this moss covered seating near the restaurant.

Enter Key West--one of the restaurants.

The boat where you can dine or just hang out and have a drink.

There's even a beach...

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