Many times I've been asked where I craft - well, all over the house actually - but I do all my designing, cutting, placing pieces on the fabric....all the messy preps in the upstairs craft room/office.

It was originally one of our son's bedrooms, then my husbands office/2nd guest bedroom and then when I took over the guest bed got taken down and in I came! lol
But Doug still has the same space he had originally - but I sure did surround him.

And yes, after I'm done cutting, etc, it does look like this - one thing I can't stand is to come back up there to do more work and have piles of cut fabrics, scissors, etc. all over the place. I find things much faster this way.....and I guess I'll admit it...I'm kind of a neat freak but not in a bad way, really! Just like to be organized.

I think that was taught to me in Home-Ec class back in the 60's (yeah, I know....wow, she's old!) but it stuck. Home-Ec back then we were taught the basics of being a good home maker and wife...I think it needs to be that way again...but I digressed didn't I.

So, this is where I do my work....where do you do yours???

See, he still has a space left to work at....I wasn't all that pushy! lol

And the loveseat in the den is where I spend all my sewing time....and I can see the tv from there which is in the family room below....but mostly I don't watch tv.

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