My 40-Book List for 2009

Many of you have asked about my pre-selected reading list for this new year, so here it is:

  1. Boys & Girls Learn Differently- Michael Gurian (CURRENTLY READING)
  2. Masterlife - Avery Willis (skimmed/finished Aug '09)
  3. A Place of Quiet Rest - Nancy Leigh DeMoss (CURRENTLY READING)
  4. Restoring the Pleasure - Penner & Penner
  5. The Minds of Boys: Saving Our Sons From Falling Behind in School and Life - Gurian/Stevens
  6. Desiring God - John Piper (CURRENTLY READING)
  7. A Celebration of Sex: A Guide to Enjoying God's Gift of Sexual Intimacy - Doug Rosenau (FINISHED 2/09)
  8. Defending Life: A Moral & Legal Case Against Abortion Choice - Francis Beckwith
  9. What's so Great About Christianity - Dinesh D'Souza (CURRENTLY READING)
  10. Women Who Make the World Worse - Kate O'Bierne (FINISHED 2/09)
  11. Intimate Issues - Linda Dillow & Lorraine Pintus (FINISHED 8/09)
  12. The Well-Trained Mind - Jessie Wise & Susan Wise Bauer (FINISHED 7/09)
  13. The Marketing of Evil: How Radicals, Elites, and Psuedo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised as Freedom - David Kupelian (CURRENTLY READING)
  14. The Innocent Man - John Grisham (FINISHED 5/09)
  15. Reaping the Harvest - Diana Waring (CURRENTLY READING)
  16. Designing a Lifestyle That Pleases God - Pat Ennis & Lisa Tatlock (paused mid-book; may not finish)
  17. The Fruit of Her Hands: Respect and the Christian Women - Nancy Wilson (FINISHED 4/09)
  18. The Other Side of Love: Handling Anger in a Godly Way - Gary Chapman
  19. Helper By Design: God's Perfect Plan for Women in Marriage - Elyse Fitzpatrick
  20. What Our Mothers Didn't Tell Us: Why Happiness Eludes the Modern Woman - Danielle Crittenden (FINISHED 8/09)
  21. Practicing Hospitality - Pat Ennis & Lisa Tatlock (CURRENTLY READING)
  22. Faithful Women & Their Extraordinary God - Noel Piper (FINISHED 1/09)
  23. Sacred Marriage - Gary Thomas (FINISHED 7/09)
  24. What To Do On Thursday: A Layman's Guide to the Practical Use of the Scriptures - Jay Adams (FINISHED 05/09)
  25. Counted Righteous in Christ - John Piper
  26. The Mother at Home - John S. C. Abbott (CURRENTLY READING)
  27. Jesus Among Other Gods - Ravi Zacharias (FINISHED 04/09)
  28. A Biblical Home Education: Building Your Homeschool on the Foundation of God's Word - Ruth Beechick (FINISHED 3/09)
  29. The Power of Words - Nancy Leigh DeMoss
  30. A Long Obedience in the Same Direction:Discipleship in an Instant Society - Eugene Peterson (FINISHED 9/09)
  31. Keys to the Deeper Life - A. W. Tozer (FINISHED 6/09)
  32. Why Gender Matters: What Parents & Teachers Need to Know About the Emerging Science of Sex Differences - Dr. Leonard Sax
  33. Home Making - J. R. Miller (FINISHED 8/09)
  34. Abortion: The Silent Holocaust - John Powell (FINISHED 1/09)
  35. Do the Right Thing - Mike Huckabee
  36. The Mortification of Sin: A Puritan's View on How to Deal with the Sin in Your Life - John Owen (CURRENTLY READING)
  37. Heaven on Earth - Thomas Brooks
  38. The Secret Key to Heaven: The Vital Importance of Private Prayer - Thomas Brooks (Read most by 7/09)
  39. God's Gifted People - Gary L. Harbaugh (previously read; re-skimmed 9/09)
  40. Hinds Feet on High Places - Hannah Hurnard (FINISHED 3/09)
I'm not reading them in any particular order, but I am going to try to work in the more "meaty" things (i.e., Puritan classics, books about the spiritual disciplines, etc.) in throughout the year as I read the things that are more naturally palatable for me (i.e., books about homeschooling or feminism). And, FYI-- I don't make any money from these links... I just love passing along good resources, and so it was worth it to me to look up all the links so you can easily find and read about whatever books might appeal to you. :-) I'm an unapologetic bibliophile.

And perhaps this will give you some reading ideas as well... please browse the list and click away! TO READ REVIEWS OF ALL BOOKS READ IN 2009, CLICK HERE.

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