Has anything from the past come to meet you???

Well, it happened to me this past summer so I thought you might like to hear the story and hopefully I can keep it short because I try very hard not to be wordy….but if you really knew me…well, lets just say I’ll try.

I received an e-mail from a girl asking if I’m the same KAREN MARTINSEN who made a ceramic kitty sitting in a baby shoe….well, I didn’t think I would ever have made something like that.

Back in 1974 I was in a ceramics class and made lots of decorative things but they were mostly Colonial items - not cutsy.

I told our boys about it and they said they remembered something like that but were not sure.
I e-mailed her back and told her what I thought and asked if she had pictures…she did….she sent them.

WOW….there was the kitty! AND my signature on the bottom! I don’t sign things in that penmanship anymore but that was mine back then.

She proceeded to tell me she collects anything CATS/KITTY and at a FLEA MARKET IN SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS she found this kitty and decided to seek out the maker. Can you believe it??? And we live in Wisconsin.

I made this thing in 1974, that was 34 years ago and as any cat IT CERTAINLY DID HAVE 9 LIVES!!!

I just wish I knew the journey this kitty had in those 34 years - how it survived not being broken or cracked/chipped….did it get purchased at one of my rummage sales and sold over and over till it reached Texas? I will never know but I do know my kitty survives….not sure how many more of its 9 lives it has left but I’m certain it will stay where it’s at till time runs out.

Hope you enjoyed my tales of my kitty

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