Does Absence Make The Heart Grow Fonder?

So after what seems like an eternity, I am back and blogging. Since the beginning of the New Year my life has morphed into one that I am still getting accustomed to. I have done two shows,fallen victim to a horrible stomach bug that wouldn't go away, and probably the biggest change of all has been getting used to living alone. No Mr. Pea and I haven't done the big D! Unfortunately the economy finally caught up to our family-owned carpentry biz and we are sadly closing that chapter. So, Mr. Pea has taken a job that involves travel~~something he used to do many moons ago~~and he is currently freezing his buns off in Oklahoma. That leaves me to fend for myself here at home and while I don't miss the snoring the house does feel empty and weird.

Anyhoo, I did want to finally share a few pics of the Renninger's show with you. I can't say it was one of my better ones but I did sell some big pieces and right now I think we have to be grateful for what we can get. Next, I will start to get ready for my HOME SALE which will be on FEBRUARY 7th. After that it will be time to head to Texas! I can't wait!!!!! Until next time, stay safe and keep junkin'!

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