Recent Creative Efforts

This post will be picture-laden, as an attempt to share my recent creative endeavors.  I've been doing more crocheting, embroidery, and done some painting & sewing as well.  Here is some visual evidence:

The photo isn't great, but I embroidered 1 Corinthians 13 and framed it in an antique yellow frame: 

A close-up:

For VBS this year, the kids wanted to dress up like "Bible people", so I used some old fabric & they were thrilled:

For Ethan & Baxter's birthday, they asked for a shark theme, so I used a Pinterest idea to make a decorative shark watermelon (it worked out well, don'tcha think?) :

And did a shark cake, chasing a school of red fish candies as well (sorry for the lousy picture):

After writing our own set of "family guidelines," I took an old (ugly!) canvas I picked up at a thrift store, textured it with dried grass, painted over it with leftover paint we used for our laundry room, and sketched the text onto the canvas: 

I picked up an old extra-long cabinet door at a garage sale this summer, painted it with two different gray tones from our leftover house paint, and painted Proverbs 4:26- "Ponder the path of your feet":

Sorry for all the crummy pictures. :)  I'm no Pinterest-picture-worthy crafting queen, but I do enjoy using what I have and can do to make our home more beautiful, cheerful, and full of truth, and wanted to share those things with you all.  Perhaps it will inspire you to do with what you have & make your home a place that points to the beauty and truth of Heaven.  

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