Just a few things

Good morning friends – goodness October is almost half over and didn’t it just start?
Oh my the leaves have turned such wonderful shades of Golds and Oranges – they are so vibrant this year. And the ones that fell into the courtyard just accent the Mums and Pumpkins but sadly they will be gone today…that mean ole ‘blower’ is going to chase them away!

I don’t have much to say today – just wanted to come and check in.

I put 2 new items on my website last night.   http://kmprimitives.blogspot.com/p/christmas.html

hope you go check them out but if not I’m putting a peek here.

I had some frames left over from other projects and they weren’t big enough for much of anything except this cute Snowman sporting a Black Top Hat.
It’s a 5 x 7 wood frame and sells for $12.00.  There are 9 available
Snowman in frame

And I brought back a retired design from when I first started making Penny Rugs.
Sheep and Tree.  14 x 20 and sells for $40.00
Sheep and Tree 2 

Here’s the original
Sheep and Tree in frame


I have to share with you something that made me feel so wonderful.
I am not able to do the Lititz, PA show this weekend but a friend who is on the board said if I sent her my products she would take care of my space for me.
But that’s not all…she has a friend who owns a shop on Main St….called Days Gone By Creations. Well she is going to take what is left from the show for her shop…that’s not all…she bought some items outright already! AND….she called me last night and wants to purchase from me for her shop.  I’m so happy and honored and it’s all thanks to Susan Burd…THANK YOU SUSAN.
Here’s a link to Days Gone By Creations FB photos:  

Such wonderful people in our line of work – makes me wonder why everyone can’t be as sweet, kind and thoughtful…what a wonderful world this would be ( that’s from a song isn’t it! ).


I’ll leave you with a couple Fall photos…
Molds and Bittersweet

 Basket and Bittersweet



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