Last of the Fall decor - Lost in the shuffle

I want to make a huge apology to those blogs that were missed in the drawing for my Challenge.
Somehow they got lost in the shuffle or I didn’t get an e-mail with the actual link in them…it’s not an excuse, just the way it turned out and I’m so sorry.
Because of that I’m doing a separate drawing with these blogs…hope this is okay with everyone.

1. Dianntha:

2. Margaret:

3. Danice:

4. Lecia:

5. Robyn:

6. Pam:

7. Francine:
(Francine’s blog was on the original list but I put the incorrect name – I used the name on her e-mail but didn’t realize this wasn’t the name I was to use)

Thank you everyone who joined in and again sorry you weren’t on the list…but look at it like this…now you have a one in 7 chance instead of one in 47!  Better odds I’d say!!!

Congratulations Lecia:
Please e-mail me with your full name/mailing address.

You will receive one of my Mr. Jack Penny Rugs along with a surprise just like the other winners of the first drawing.
Jack Mat background smaller


I must admit I have not been visiting my wonderful friends blogs lately – at least not as many as I would like to visit, so this morning I decided to do it different and got on the blog interface blog roll to start visiting…I’ve only made it through about 6 of them and decided I have been doing it for well over an hour!  Yikes it takes forever to go through the list. Do you find it difficult to visit all your friends?  Please know that I’m not ignoring you – I just need to find a good method of getting through them in a reasonable amount of time. Any good suggestions would be welcomed.
I thank every one of you who are so faithful to me – you are really what this is all about.


So…I finally got the last of my Fall decorating finished.  Remember I said I was waiting for the flea market to find an old wood wagon or wheel barrow to put in place of the White Wicker chair???  Well…NONE – NADDA – well, there were two wagons but the price was so high and they would not come down to where it was acceptable to me.  So I guess I didn’t need one bad enough to pay $195.

We were there from 7:30 to 12:00 and had such a good time – it was the last one of the year and so full of wonderful Fall things – oh my the Bittersweet was EVERYWHERE.  What a great year for it.  Most years if you didn’t get to the 2 or 3 vendors  by 8 a.m. that had it then you were out of luck.
I bought from 2 different places plus some Pumpkins, Cale, some Broom Corn and a large gourd that I hope to dry after I’m finished with it outside (any suggestions here would be helpful too!)

The one bunch of Bittersweet was in a long vine so I used it on the coffee table in the screen room. (now it’s not like that – I put it in a  circle on top of the nest – like a ring.
Nest Bittersweet 1 

I’m sure all of you have this problem when you are doing ANYTHING….Baby has to be on or touch anything I’m working with – this time it was the leaf clusters that were going out to the front porch basket.
Baby in leaves 

I can’t ever seem to get my front porch like I want it – most years it looks the same

Front of house 1

The gourd we bought is the tall green one and then the white one in front (I have to go out often and pick up the small gourds because the squirrels like to play with them)
Basket on porch

Remember all the dried's I bought in PA in August…they are in this bucket on the front porch along with some wheat


The leaves have turned quickly this year and falling just as fast.  Doug wanted to blow these off but I like them – so I got a picture quickly before they were gone.  I like the look – but I don’t do the work so I guess I should not stand in his way huh???
That large cluster of Bittersweet on the door was from the flea market too.


I made this Penny Rug for a customer as a special order…normally this Santa is on a round piece but she wanted a 14 x 44 runner – I like how it turned out and I heard from her last week in an e-mail and she loves it!
Santa Penny Rug long


I’d like to thank all my Canadian friends a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Guess that’s it for me today.  Thank you everyone for being there – if only we could get a blogger convention going it would be awesome wouldn’t it!!!!


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