Thrifty Thursday: White Plates

I just love white plates, platters and bowls.

I love the simplicity of them and the pop they can add to your decorating.
I have them in my bathrooms, hallway, kitchen and dining room. I have to watch myself because I would add a plate to every room if I could...

Recently I scored a big box full at a garage sale for $1!! Yes, you read that right. I snatched that box up and ran as fast as I could while I threw the dollar at the home owner. :) Actually my husband carried the heavy box and told him to run!

I can usually pick up a white plate or bowl ranging from 50 cents to $2 each. So getting 25 pieces for $1 was a touchdown for me!

Then I went junkin' with a couple girlfriends of mine last month at the Hwy 36 garage sales in Kansas. It was a cold and wet day but we had fun and managed to come home with some thrifty goodies. I had to restrain myself from the many white plates and bowls I saw since I had a box full waiting at home for me. But I did manage to find this lovely one for 25 cents.

I just loved the shape, small size and I couldn't pass it up.

I love how my rustic frame showcases it so well.

Have you found any fun and thrifty bargains lately? The garage sale season is coming to a close...Can't wait for spring already!

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