Lazy Man’s Applesauce


It’s become an annual tradition… truckin’ to the mountains of North Carolina to apple pick with friends.  This year we went back to Justus Orchard- it’s family-run and lots of fun. 

the gang minus the boys

Each year we have a serious and competitive contest for “Best Apple”.  This time, our son Gavin took first place.  Makes a Mama proud.  ;)


So what do you do with bushels of apples and not a whole lot of time or motivation?  Cook up some Lazy Man’s Applesauce!  I call it lazy since there’s no tedious peeling involved.  Which makes it more nutrient rich too (I like to use that excuse):


Cinnamon Applesauce
(Slightly adapted from

2 lbs of apples of your choice
1.25 cups of water
1 cinnamon stick
1/2 lemon

1. Core and roughly chop apples (I left skin intact for a boost of nutrition)
2. In a medium pot, add apples, water, juice of 1/2 lemon, and cinnamon stick.
3. Cover and bring to a boil.
4. When boiling, turn down to a simmer and partially cover. Let simmer for 25-30 minutes, or until apples are soft and begin to break apart.
5. Remove from heat completely, and allow to cool.
6. Remove cinnamon stick. In a blender or food processor, blend apple mixture.
7. Top with additional cinnamon (optional)

Makes about 4 cups.
Recipe and photo found at
Tori Takes a Bite.

I freeze my applesauce in gallon sized Ziplock bags.  Easier than canning.  Just make sure they are Ziplock brand.  I ruined a ton of applesauce last year using cheapo bags… they all opened up and created an applesauce skating rink in my freezer. 

Sorry it’s been more recipes than decorating here lately.  But the décor side of my life is slow going at the moment for obvious reasons.  Rest assured, in a few months there should be lots of material!

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