The first thing we did this morning was head out to Home Depot to buy our roping for the fences and the screen room and some boughs to put around throughout our decorating.

We buy them there every year because the price is wonderful…30 ft. of fir for $9.99 and it’s put together beautifully.
So we ended up buying 9 of those beauties and also 2 of the Spruce/Fir roping for inside decorating and around the interior of the screen room where our check out is going to be.
Oh, and 4 bunches of Spruce and Fir boughs for here and there.

So Doug spent the entire day putting the roping and lights on 5 corner sections of picket fences…I just heard him come in the door…and it’s cold and windy out there today – glad it was him!

He asked me to come outside a minute ago to ‘approve’…lol and so I took my camera – NO GOOD PICTURES. Total blurr but I did get a fascinating one – not sure what was happening but I love the effect. I probably couldn’t do this again in my life. WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THIS?What is this

I got to spend it indoors sewing and packing up orders and listening to wonderful Christmas music!
I love having the SOUNDS OF THE SEASON music channel on and the pictures change every 30 seconds or so and this year they are exceptionally pretty….here’s a few samples.
TV 1
TV 2 TV 3 TV 4
TV 5

So every now and then when I would come up for air I would see a cute picture on the screen and also I forgot to mention – I grunged some price tags as well and added a bit of cinnamon so it smells like I’ve been baking all day long.

Right now I have scalloped potatoes in baking to have with our burger patties along with some peas. Not a very well put together dinner but it fills the void!

Oh the cutest thing I forgot to show you…my snowman I bought at SPINNING WHEEL on Monday. I did some wholesale shopping and had to get him.
Snowman 1
He’s something like 30 inches tall and really heavily weighted in the bottom.
Spinning Wheel has gone back to making their own products again and I’m so loving everything. If you need American Made Wholesale check out their site.  http://www.spinningwheelonline.com/

Guess that’s about it for me today – thought I’d check in and let you all know I’m still here.

Darren had the dye put in his spine this morning and things are a tad closed off on the left side – he’ll know more after his dr. apt. on the 20th. I want to thank all of you for your prayers and e-mails and comments. He’s his normal cheerful self that’s getting very antsy to get on with his normal routine. The one thing that bothers him the most is not being able to pick up Aidan. Oh, and sneezing hurts like the dickens. So I guess I won’t be seeing him none too soon…I have been nursing a chest cold that has now traveled to my head.

Have a great evening everyone!


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