Well this just isn’t like me but the past week has been such a turmoil I haven’t had any time to put things in their proper place….things are sitting everywhere from deliveries, making products (which I don’t do outside of the craft room) but I have been this week – hence the work tables in the family room and den.

I hate living in messes like this but if I put all the shipments away I will just have to bring them back out to mark prices and whatever else I have to do with them.

I feel so PIGGY! THIS IS JUST NOT ME! I need help…lol
So please don’t think this is how I live – normally it’s very picked up and company ready – tomorrow I clean and organize so I can start setting up my show….oh, you’ll see what I mean – look below! Very blurry though.

Den2 Actually I have been sewing here in the den so it is REALLY a mess.


Diningroom1 Deliveries that came today still in dining room

Yep!!!! 2 RUGS on the floor….we brought the top one down from the closet a couple days ago and laid it here so it would flatten out - The ends want to curl and Doug has been programming the cash register so that has been sitting here …HAVE YOU EVER!!!!

And here’s another dropping point. Window painting waiting to go up on back of house.
Now you know my dirty little story!


Today we received 3 shipments of orders for the show and my house smells like a Primitive store.
One was from a friend of mine who is having some of her Prim products at the show and I hope they last for the show – there are so many things I see that I want….YOU SHOULD SEE HER PRIMS….AND THE PRICES ARE LOW!

Then I received an order from Pine Patch  Primitives.
I received the little candles I posted about in another post and dried sliced whole oranges rolled in cloves and packaged so cute! The aroma is intoxicating girls!!!

And another order was from Miss Maddie Maries Dips – new this year for us. We will have some of each made up for testing – I hope they sell.

Hopefully when we get the show set up next week I can get some real good photos of all the products and set-ups.


Now about Darren….he went up for surgery yesterday at 5 pm and came back down to his room at 10:45 – long haul for Doug and MaryAnn who was up there waiting. They had a bit of a time trying to get him comfortable. The surgery was from the back of the neck so he was on his stomach and then after surgery they had to turn him and that caused the pain. Last months surgery wasn’t painful he said but this one is deep because they had to cut all the muscles.

They scraped the bone and removed a bone growth and removed fragments from the last surgery…all of which was causing the nerve to be pinched and very little use of his arm. And put in a rod.

They knew this surgery would be needed but not so quickly – they normally don’t do the front and back at the same time for good reason!
But his muscles were atrophying quickly and this was needed too prevent permanent damage

Doug went up this morning and he was up by himself and walking around. Still very painful but he feels good. Dr. said he can come home tomorrow.
I told him there were many prayers out there for him and he said THANK YOU EVERYONE!

Finally I’m feeling my self again so hopefully I can  go see Darren when he gets back home.


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