Alissa pointed out some cool things at Anthropologie, with the comment "Did this become popular when I wasn't looking?" (I suspect the answer is "yes" -- not straight steampunk, but a lot of the industrial antique style that we like definitely did.)
I'm not including plain product pics here, because the genius of Anthropologie is their really incredible stylists -- so let's see what we can learn from them.
Standing Magnifying Glass, Coral Sculpture, Penny Candy Jar (I'd use this by the kitchen sink to
hold sponges and stuff), Experimental Cylinder and Experimental Flask, backed by a decrepit plaster wall.
Mechanic Beacon Light, Redsmith Dining Chair (the only chair of this style I've seen with a copper finish!), and the Decker Console Table. The floors and brick wall here are incredible, and the dressmaker's dummy appears to be gazing out the window...
What do you think of Anthropologie's interpretation? And does the trendiness scare you off or please you?
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