Show & Tell: Simplicity & Frugality in Various Forms

I've got some really interesting reads for you on the topics of being frugal and simplifying your life... please choose several- you'll be so glad you did!

  • First up... did you ever read the Berenstein Bears book when Brother and Sister have the "Gimmes"? Well, Sara got the Gimmes when she went to the mall, and then rattled off this excellent post about "Wanting" and how we as Christians can keep from getting sucked into this stuff-saturated culture.
  • This is an interesting website, called "The Miniature Earth", where they have taken the whole earth and shrunk it to just having 100 people on it, but with the same proportions as are in the real world. 13 are Africans, 33 are Christian, etc... it's very interesting, and has some eye-popping figures about poverty, illiteracy, and the staggering needs around the world. Seeing it in terms of percentages instead of millions of people makes such a difference. Go ahead- CLICK HERE to watch the Miniature-Earth video (just click on the word "English" and it will start right up).
  • Finally, Sara (who continues to challenge me, the more I sift through her archives) is such an example of how much money can be saved (not to mention having less waste products) by switching from paper to cloth... you don't have to do it all, but I think her wide variety of options may challenge you to find new ways of doing things around your home too.
Blessings to you & as always, HAPPY READING!

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