Met a fellow blogger!

Tina and I have been trying to set up a lunch date for quite some time now and yesterday was the day we finally got to meet.
She and her husband have relocated for the time being in our home town and so how convenient is that???
We met at a wonderful restaurant and had a great visit.  Tina is as sweet as she looks and we exchanged gifts too – I had something special I wanted to do for her but didn’t have the items I needed but she liked what I made for her regardless and she gifted me with an adorable Pillow Tuck she had made especially for me that morning…what a lady!
Now I’m sure most of you know Tina from her blog:  and author of An Early Christmas…of which I have her book and I know many of you do too.  She’s working on a new one right now – and I am so anxious to see what it will be – but it will be awhile yet she said.  Best of luck Tina – we’ll all be waiting again.

This wasn’t my best photo day….I didn’t feel all that well so is probably shows in my face – my back was hurting like crazy but I kept going…I didn’t tell Tina this as I didn’t want to cancel the visit – so I took a pain pill on the way there and could sit pretty still during lunch.

Tina Karen

Could this be any sweeter???  And the Red is perfect…my signature color too…how did she know?
Pillow from Tina

After lunch I went to visit my aunt…she’s failing fast…my heart hurts for her – she is a fighter and I know she knows she doesn’t have long…my guess is a week possibly a tad more but only God knows for sure…I just pray he doesn’t let her have pain in the end.

I also went to Sam’s Club and they had the most beautiful potted arrangements for little money – not as expensive as the garden center that I normally buy mine from so I picked up a large potted and a hanging one.

The potted one isn’t showing up the flowers very well but there is lots of color in it like the hanging one.
Hanging plant

potted plant

Blessings to all and I’ve so enjoyed reading your blogs this week – thanks for being such faithful blogger friends.


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