Gluten & Dairy Free Cheesecake

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I have been craving cheesecake for quite sometime's been over a year since I had a piece of cheesecake since our family went Gluten and Casein Free. Cheesecake is my absolute favorite dessert!

So last week, I broke down and made a gluten and dairy free version. Not knowing how this would taste, it exceeded my expectations! Yum! Yum!

The secret ingredient is tofu. I know...don't diss it til you try it. I have never tried tofu before until now. My recommendation is to get Organic tofu. It is made from soy and always get organic when eating soy. Soy is full of pesticides. I got my organic tofu from Trader Joe's for $1.99 (16 oz). So it is very affordable. Also Tofu is a great source of protein!

The ingredients you will need for the filling is:

1 (16-ounce) package silken tofu, drained
1 cup sugar
2 (8-ounce) packages dairy-free cream cheese (I love Tofutti!)
1 egg
2 teaspoons vanilla
I only had 1 package of cream cheese so I cut my recipe in half.

You mix it all together with a mixer or food processor.

For the crust, I cheated. :) I used store bought Gluten and Dairy free Snickerdoodles. I could of easily made some but I was hungry and wanted cheesecake NOW! :) These are a soft cookie so I mushed them to the bottom of a greased pie pan to form the crust.

Then I poured in the cheesecake batter.

Bake in preheated 325 degree oven for 45 minutes.
Turn the oven off and leave the cheesecake in the oven with the door slightly ajar for 1 hour.

Remove from oven and cool completely before refrigerating.

I completely skipped the refrigerating part and dove right in. I didn't even allow time for a picture, but I did manage to take one of it half eaten. :)

Finish cheesecake with toppings of your choice.
I used some fresh strawberries since they were in season.

For a sweet berry topping, I mixed together some strawberries, a little sugar and a dash of vinegar. Then bring to boil in a saucepan. Very easy and yummy!

I definitely give this recipe 2 thumbs up! A simple, yummy and great alternative if you have gluten and/or dairy sensitivities. Or if you just want to try something different to your everyday diet! You will be pleasantly surprised!

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