World Autism Awareness Day

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Today is World Autism Awareness Day

In April, a year ago, my then 3 year old was diagnosed with Autism. You can read our story HERE.

Just last week the CDC (Center of Disease Control) came out with some updated statistics:

1 in 88 children has autism.
1 in 54 are boys.

4 years ago, it was 1 in 110 children.

In 1985, 1 in 2000 children were diagnosed with Autism.

My jaw heart breaks...when I see these numbers.

The billion dollar question is 'What is the cause?'

All I know is that my husband and I were not going to sit on the side lines and watch this diagnosis take over our son's life. From Day 1, we decided to fight this thing, no matter what.

For us that included:
 Speech, Occupational & Behavior Therapies
 A Special Diet
 Countless Supplements, Dr. Visits and Treatments that Insurance Does not cover...

Our Mama and Papa Bear roles are in full force and we have seen tremendous results!

This is my absolute favorite Autism video. I tear up every time I watch it. Even though each child's Autism is different, the parents of these special kiddos go through a lot of similar headaches, heartbreaks and trials. There's this inner strength that keeps us all going.

It's time to stand united and fight for our young generation. Support Autism Charities. Fight the people that are adding chemicals to our food, medicine and environment. My son was a healthy baby when he was born...and something happened in the meantime. I will continue to fight for my son. And I will continue to advocate a clean lifestyle to help protect other kiddos that are vulnerable to be on the autism spectrum.

1 in 54 boys are diagnosed with Autism
You, my sweet boy, you are one in a million.

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