My New Thrift Treasures

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Awhile back a friend and I went to a huge garage sale event called the Mother of All Garage Sales. It was a great morning to thrift and hang out with my good friend. The weather was awesome for garage sales and so we hit a few here and there on the way home. I am very selective on what I bring home these days because I have things at home that I need to get rid of. LOL But I found some great deals for my boys and then brought home 2 super cheap thrift finds! I was giddy when I found them!!

One of the items was a great old ladder for $2!! Yes, only $2!! It was at a super nice house so I was expecting a expensive price tag to go with it...yeah you know those kind of garage sales. But they must of thought it was 'junk' and wanted to get rid of it. I quickly snagged it up and threw it in my van! :)

I'm still debating if I should have it inside or outside.  

For now it looks great out by our shed. 

At a different garage sale and another nice house with expensive prices, I found this galvanized funnel with no price tag. I asked the home owner and he offered $2 for it! SOLD! He had 2 of them and another customer heard that price and he immediately grabbed the other one. He was doing the same thing and putting it in his yard for decoration.  

It looks great on my front porch area next to my old watering can.

I got a few requests to see my front porch area. Here ya go. We have a long house but a small porch area.

Recengly, My grandma moved to a smaller place and had a garage sale to help with downsizing. I was VERY selective and left a lot of goodies for other people to buy at the garage sale. I got this wooden box with dividers for 50 cents. 

It was raining outside when I was taking pictures... 

Inside the box was a lot of 'junk' including some great vintage knobs and hangers. I also grabbed some zinc lids for my old jars. You can never have too many zinc lids. :)

I just love these awesome knobs! I need to figure out a project to do with them.

My grandma had this watering can outside so I grabbed this as well.

It looks great on my white bench.

While I was outside I took a few more pictures of my vintage displays in our was freezing cold and spitting rain, but I'll do anything for my blog readers!

This barn door is one of my favorites. I found it at a vintage shop for $5!
My mom made the birdhouse.

I got this table at an auction for $1. I had my hubby cut down the legs to made it lower to sit outside. It has a few layers of paint...Other items here were either made, $1 or free!

That blue thing is actually a seat off a wagon. I got it for $5 at a flea market and just love the blue color.

We have the worst luck with trees on our property. 2 have been destroyed in past storms and we think on is dying now...So I had my hubby cut this one high so I can make it into a birdhouse perch.

I just love to add vintage finds to my displays! Do you love to decorate your yard with vintage finds?

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