Soul Care: Daily Giveaway #3

Congrats to those who have already won this great book: Jessica B & Erin M.!!!

This week, I'm giving away a wonderful book by Steven W. Smith, called Embracing Soul Care: Making Space For What Matters Most.  I've been writing a series sharing ideas and encouragement from the book, and Mr. Smith wrote and offered  FIVE copies for me to give away through Making Home!  

Today is the 3rd giveaway.  Every day this week you will have an opportunity to win this book.  Each day, I'm asking you to answer one question in the comments & leave your name & e-mail information (so that I can get in contact with you if you win)!

In the book, Smith writes:
"Valley times of the soul can be unpredictable.  We don't know what is ahead.  Valleys are experienced, not escaped.  We endure the lows, feel the agony, and hope for a way out.  These are times of aloneness, yet for those in Christ, the awareness of our traveling companion makes all the difference."

Of course, we've all experienced valley times.  Some of my hardest days were described perfectly by Smith-- "experienced, but not escaped."  TODAY, the question is:
From YOUR "valley" experiences, what help is needed by someone enduring/experiencing a prolonged valley time?  Essentially, what help could/did someone have offered to you (in a valley time) that would have truly been a welcomed blessing?  What can others learn from your valley times?

*** Contest Details: Entries will be taken until 8pm CST, at which point I will use a random number generator to select the winner.  I will announce the winner both in the comments of this post & at the top of tomorrow's post.  ***

Don't forget to LEAVE A COMMENT w/ your answer, name, and e-mail address!!!

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