Adding a touch of green to your home

So it snowed here yesterday. Yes, I know, that's just rude. I mean, what happened to spring?! I'm still going to embrace greenery though, only it'll have to be indoors! So for those of you, who like me are dying for a spring feel, here are some very cool ways to turn your world green...Ok and a bed outdoors (note to self - will require a very very very good duvet).

Stylist: Tina Hellberg Photographer: Idha Lindhag
Stylist: Tina Hellberg Photographer: Idha Lindhag
Lazy Bones

Via Decorista Daydreams

Via Melanie Hoffman
I absolutely love the first pic with the greenery collage by stylist Tina Hellberg. What about you?

I hope you all have a lovely Friday! And may the snow melt away in your parts of the world (but umm not the parts where it's not meant to...i.e. the Poles etc....of course) and show beautiful fields of green..

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