Pinning With K: 'I Love Us' Mini Signs

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Okay, like most of you, I'm addicted to pinterest! I pin almost daily and my to-do list grows and grows. LOL So I thought it would be fun to have a regular series here at At Home With K to help me tackle my ever growing list of projects inspired by pinterest!

I'm calling it

I have a board just dedicated to projects to make. So I have a lot of catching up to do!

Today's project was inspired by This Pin. It is a great mini wood sign that I knew would be easy to make. My favorite part is the quote.

I decided to make 2 versions of it.
I grabbed a couple pieces of scrap wood I already had and painted them black.
 I printed out the saying from the computer with the font I liked.
I cut out the letters with an exacto knife.
Then I stenciled onto the piece of wood with white craft paint.
I sanded down the edges and added Early American MinWax Stain

It looks great next to my Willow Tree Figurines.

I also made a different version using stencils I already had on hand.

They both took just minutes to make.
One Pin down and a few more hundred to go.

Are you on Pinterest? Come on by and follow me! If you need an invite, email me and I'll send you one. See a pin on my boards you would like me to make next? Let me know in the comments!

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