Big News For Google Friend Connect Users

Have you heard? The popular Google Friend Connect (“GFC”) is going away March 1st for non-Google blog platforms like Wordpress, and the rumor is that it will be eventually phased out completely to be replaced by Google+.  Now we are being asked to join Google+ but have found like many of you it can be difficult to navigate.

Bloggers know a good “follower” tool is really needed and we’d like to have one that is not tied to a million other services (seems like Facebook, Twitter and Google are linked to everything else on the Internet). One that we can use JUST to keep track of our favorite blogs!

Brent Riggs, the creator/owner of Linky Tools has created a FREE 'follower' system that is simple and reliable.

There are many amazing options! You can group blogs by Favorites, Everyday and General and even Custom Groups. You can create a Blogroll that includes Blogs that DO NOT have Linky Followers but that you like to keep tabs on, and you can highlight a Featured Follower!!

Now the big question? Can my GFC followers be automatically moved over? NO. Google won’t allow access to those accounts but more importantly, YOU really shouldn’t sign up someone to a new service. They should voluntarily sign up themselves. You’ll need to ask your GFC folks (and all your blog readers) to follow you using Linky Followers but its easy, quick and did I mention, free? They’ll love the tool. It’s a cool way to organize and follow the blogs you love.

Click below or on my sidebar below Followers!

It’s very user friend and easy to manage all your blogging friends!
It’s available to everyone!

Join me and all my bloggy friends!

I'll be watching to be sure to 'follow back' friends who sign up to follow At Home With K. Just leave me a comment letting me know when your widget is up on your blog and I'll follow you back!

Remember you can also follow along by receiving FREE email updates to your email inbox, 'Liking' my Facebook Page or Pin with me on Pinterest!

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