We survived another one!

Yep, all is well here at the Martinsen’s after having the family all yesterday afternoon/evening – pooped but doing good.

Everyone came between 1 – 1:30 ready to PARTY! And that we did. 
Snacks and drinks while chatting about the kids Christmas gifts they got and ‘GOT’ they did!!!! 
For what was going to be a simple Christmas it sure didn’t sound like it from their descriptions…and then the goodies from us – well we thought we kept it pretty ‘simple’ this year as well but when they started opening things, it told another story.

You know…it’s funny when the grandchildren are living at home they take many, many things for granted – well Jesse got his own apt. last month and wanted some things for his place so (among other things) we bought him a Grill/Griddle plus some ‘nice’ spatulas/turners/pizza cutter/knives – one’s that will last.
Well he oohhed and aahhed over these things like it was gold.  He said he had some of the cheaper ones and they were horrible…
Jesse griddle

And Alex…she looooves grandpa’s Onion Dip and requests it whenever they come over – he uses a food chopper to get the onions chopped real fine so he bought her one for Christmas so when she moves into her apt. she can make her very own dip.
Alex chopper 

Aidan kept us giggling with each gift he opened…and so did one of the grown-ups.
We drew names this year and Two of them got some pretty good stuff.
Heather received a bottle of Jack Daniels (it was on her list!) and the look on her face and Emily’s cracked us all up.
Heather gift 1
Heather gift 2

And Doug got a couple bottles too…Aidan was crazy all day and constantly wanted to slide backwards down the Two steps – he did this off and on for most of the day for some reason.
Doug gifts

Doug’s sister always gives each of the kids ornaments each year (until they reach age 16)
We took the picture so we can send it to her.
Kids with ornaments 1

Dinner turned out wonderful…I was a bit scared to do all those crushed peppercorns on the Tenderloin but I must say it made it so delicious.
Out of the 7 lbs of Tenderloin there is probably less than 3/4 lb left.

Darren and Brett forever try something silly in a picture and today was no different – we can always count on those two for some laughs throughout the day…
Guys being silly 2

Our family…
Family 1 

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and will continue to have a wonderful New Year.


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