My Favorites of 2011

Well it's that time to reflect on memories and milestones of 2011!

This year has been quite the roller coaster in my family's lives. Most of you don't know that I was pretty close of shutting my blog down just a few months ago. Blogging didn't seem so 'important' to me compared to what was going on in my personal life. I am so thankful that you stuck with me when I gave myself little blogging breaks when life was too hard...Today, things are really good! My family's health is the best it's ever been! And for that big and terrible bump in the road this year...I am thankful. Our lives will  never be the same and for the better.

And I am so glad I didn't push this little blog aside! Blogging has been such a blessing to give me that outlet to create and escape when life is happy and sometimes not. 

So lets look back on some of my favorites here at At Home With K in 2011.


In January, I also hosted the Be Mine Bonanza. It was a great time to feature Valentine related projects by 7 different bloggers. Stay tuned for the next Be Mine Bonanza next month!


Terrific Under Ten Tuesdays was born. A fun linky party I look forward to each week for creative and thrifty ideas for $10 or less!











You can check out these and many more projects in my past posts!

Thank you so much for visiting me, following along, commenting, linking up to Terrific Under Ten Tuesdays and allowing me to feature your wonderful projects!

Here's to a happy and healthy 2012! 

Linking up HERE

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