Hello dear friends…

I think Fall is finally looking to come around soon!
The morning and evening air is wonderful with 50+ temps
so nice for sleep and then getting the day started.
Hope you are having great weather too – it was certainly
a hot and stormy Spring and Summer that’s for sure.

I’ve been trying to stitch orders and design
some new Fall designs but it’s slow going.

I did make a Whimsical Mr. Jack Penny Mat
And to my surprise they are selling fast…I put them on my
site on Friday and I can’t keep up!!!
You can click on the sidebar picture to the left
and it will take you to the page.
Jack Mat 1

And then there’s one of my favorites…
Roly Poly Snowman…again you can
find this on my website

Snowman runner website
Better look of design
Snowman runner closeup website

Last week I saw the most incredible Dragon Fly – never seen one like this before have you…I’ve seen them with plain or solid wings but never ones like this.

I took the first one and the wings didn’t show up enough so Doug held up a piece of paper on the inside of the screen – anyone seen one like this???
- view from his underside-

 dragonfly 2

dragonfly 1

I meant to say a huge Thank You back in July to a good friend from PA,
Linda and I met a few years back…long story but we have
been friends since even though we only see each other probably
once  a year – well she had sent me some beautiful gifts for
Christmas and for my birthday in July…

This is a darling casserole dish and when I first met her
she brought along a beautiful set of chafing dishes.
All of these are the Temp-Tations line from QVC.

I love the cheerful Sunflower designCasserole dish 2

Casserole dish 1

At Christmas she sent these darling snack sets – which I use often.

Snack Set

We used them on Christmas morning with our
‘traditional’ Cinnamon Rolls and milk
Plate closeup

I have been remiss in posting these pictures so I just want to again say
Thank You Linda…you are the best.


Last week I ordered some raw wool from a ‘forum’ friend, Pam from http://www.shadetreeprimitives.blogspot.com/ and http://www.picturetrail.com/shadetreeprimitives – it’s just beautiful,
the nicest color a mixture of dark Brown and Black.

Bag of wool

New Wool 
I would like to wash it and then try ‘felting’ it into a sheep design,
not sure if I know how but it’s worth a try otherwise
I’ll display it in a bowl to just be pretty!

So that is my post for this week – seems when
not much is happening it’s difficult to find things to post about.


Goodness I almost forgot – today we went
to my husbands ‘All Class Reunion’.

It was held at a historic restaurant
Lake House Inn
This place dates back to 1835
Lake house Inn 1 
Lake house Inn 5

This is behind the Inn – part of the house
the owners live in
Lake house Inn 4

Lake house Inn 3 
Doug came from a small school/town so a few years back
some of the older classes got this going – this is our first year
to attend and I just had to giggle when we got there,
I do think we were just a few of the ‘youngest ones there’.
The gentleman sitting next to me graduated in the class
of 1944 – I WAS BORN IN 1944!!!!
Lake house Inn 6
So that tells you the ages of the guests – the earliest graduates
started in 1934 on up to my husbands class of 1960 but
there were only 6 of us for that class….but a very enjoyable
time regardless – in a small class they all seemed to
know or know of each other to some point.


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